You know Rodney, a little snow, and when temps don't go below 20 25, it ain't so bad.
Today it is only about 2 or 3 above, with a nasty southeast wind, giving windchill values of about -20 f, it is very crisp, sun just went down on a Sailor's red sky.
Today we took the kids into the city (Winnipeg), about a 28 mile ride from our door to a part of the city, where there is a huge Pan American Indoor Pool, water 80, air temp 75, huge kiddie pool, then stopped on way home at Wendy's, ummumm life ain't so bad in the frozen north..........Fred PS supposed to be 36 on Tuesday, believe when I see it Oh met a Woman at Son's school, her and her Hubby just moved back from Atlanta, they spent 5 years there, felt sorry for her, in this cold...NOTTTTTTTTT