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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. I dunno, my Great great Grandmother and her Husband came to this country, with all there kids, she was born in 1844, most of her kids survived, as well as her grandchildren, unless were killed off by war or accident, lucky I guess. My Grandfather and 2 of his younger brothers took some farm work about 100 miles from there home, they all got Diptheria, the 2 younger Brothers died withina few days, my Grandfather went on to recover, and even went on to fight in 1st world war and survived again. He dies in 1979 at age 85.......Fred
  2. 3 degrees in the Winnipeg area at 9:54 PM...........Fred
  3. Frosty, you betch Buddy, one of my Boys is right into Boxing and Kick Boxing at the moment, he's 15, already 5 ft 11in, and 165 lbs, not sure if he will reach 6'2", like me, but he is getting in great shape......Fred
  4. I have a 218 Canadian 25 inch enegine, this engine is rated at 98 HP, could simply add 251 crankrods, pistons, instant 251. I have a 251 with full-flow oil filtration, that will be my rebuild when the time comes........Fred
  5. Tim, I hear you, cold and metal, they just do not mix, keep close to the coffee pot, I be doin the same at this very moment. The kind of cold up here is a real PITA, guys like Young Ed, and Pat S, Robert KB know, wonder how people pioneered this part of North America back over a 100 years ago. My own Grandfather's family came here in 1894, man winter must a sucked in those days......Fred PS at least we have this technology, all talkin with each other all over the continent, a lot of you Guys probably never even met a Canuck or talked to one before this forum, let alone being friends and in constant contact on both sides of the 49th parallel
  6. Tommy, you gotta be jokin................LOL
  7. You know Rodney, a little snow, and when temps don't go below 20 25, it ain't so bad. Today it is only about 2 or 3 above, with a nasty southeast wind, giving windchill values of about -20 f, it is very crisp, sun just went down on a Sailor's red sky. Today we took the kids into the city (Winnipeg), about a 28 mile ride from our door to a part of the city, where there is a huge Pan American Indoor Pool, water 80, air temp 75, huge kiddie pool, then stopped on way home at Wendy's, ummumm life ain't so bad in the frozen north..........Fred PS supposed to be 36 on Tuesday, believe when I see it Oh met a Woman at Son's school, her and her Hubby just moved back from Atlanta, they spent 5 years there, felt sorry for her, in this cold...NOTTTTTTTTT
  8. Hey Don, I see your home state is under a blanket of snow statewide:rolleyes:, or has it melted today yet. Looks like Georgia has the same,on the north side:eek:, maybe Tim Adams better stoke the fire tonight:D, low of 18 for Macon Ga. You Boys want me to ship down some mukluks,studded snow tires, and maybe a block heater or 2:p....................LOL
  9. Here is a $100 paint job, done my me, at home, 1st time, not the greatest but can live with it for a while. 1 pic is outside 10 minutes ago, -6 with a -38 windchill, supposed to be 36 by Tuesday, can hardly wait.
  10. Robert, sorry to hear about the mishap with 53, 1953 was a good year BTW, my parents got married that year. That paint looks incredible for that age, how does it look so good after all of those years.......WOW
  11. Always liked the color of your car Don, is it still as shiny as in the pic you posted.....Fred
  12. Not looking to paint my car for a while yet, never had any rust issues on my doors..........Fred
  13. Hi Robert, the manifold looks great, what great service too, gotta like those old timers that are still in the biz..........Fred
  14. Yes a paintjob should and can last a fair bit , if the car is stored out of the elements and is looked after. I eventually want to re-paint my car, as the home job is not the greatest, but will look after all other items first, as the paint is acceptable for now........Fred
  15. Hey all, I painted my car at home last spring, with acrylic enamel paint, it looks nice and shiny, it is of course stored indoors. Because most of us do not drive our Old Mopars everyday for 10s of thousands of miles per year, and we generally keep them inside, and looked after, the paintjobs should last a fair while, even if it is only good old enamel paint. I still have to try and wetsand some runs and such, then maybe polish car with buffer and Mequires, but she is still nice and shiny, albeit the flaws some runs, dirt etc, a little orange peel too. So just wondering how old some of the members paintjobs are on there rides............Fred
  16. Thanx Gary, lots of playing around with these small details..........Fred
  17. Thanx Allan,she is doing better, hope all is well with you, how is the family? Hey if you geta chance go se my painting badges and trim thread, looking for ideas, been using Testors paint and very small brushes, still it does not look very good, lots of brush makrs and uneveness in the paint. These are very tiney areas to paint, not sure what maybe the best couirse to take........Fred
  18. I pulled the stoplamp housing and painted red around the fluid drive sign. Not really liking the results, there must bea better way than Testors red model paint and a very tiny brush, anybody else have any ideas.......Fred
  19. See now Rodney, that wasn't so bad,today I went out and pulled Stop Lamp, did some interior work, only 36 in the garage, did not heat up the building, it is a -10 outside. Glad she is running good again, hope all is well with you.........Fred
  20. Hey just get a tele-conference call going, phone Mkie at the bar, open a Coors,Bud,Miller,Pabst,Hamms,Strohs, Old Milwaukee, Moosehead, Labatts Blue,Molson Canadian, and enjoy. Gotta be a cool thing soem of those bars in New York, would like to see some myself, even though I do not drink alcohol.................Fred
  21. Smoking is bad anyway you look at it, health, costs, smell, etc. You know that cigs up in this part of Canada are $11.00 for a 25 cigarette pack, isn't that expensive. So you see in Canada gas is more expensve, booze i sa lot more expensive, tobacco products are more expensive, income tax is fairly high, so the med costs get met one way or the other.......Fred
  22. Thanx ........Fred
  23. Thanx Rob, she will be seeing her own Doctor, this week yet, and hopefully they will get to the bottom of this. So far it looks like a panic/anxiety attack, but who knows for sure, without tests. The hospital ruled out heart attack/stroke, her lungs were clear, we shall see soon...............Fred
  24. Thanx Bob, my dash parts, ie shiter knob, and lighter knob have the red paint on the little crown on the ends, I did this. My signal lasher knob does not have the crown, it must bea Desoto. The dash chrome above the radio, on mine is bare chrome right now, that I will not brush paint, will need to either leave it, or tape/mask and spray it dark blue, then go over the insrciption with lacquer thinner maybe to get paint off the key areas. I do not want paint flying around in the car anymore, with interior in place. I still have to paint the fluid drive signature on the stop lamp......Fred PS the hub caps came out not too bad
  25. I dunno John, full flow versus By-pass, I know what I would do. Is there anyway you could plumb in the by-pass, for show, and keep the full-flow down low or out of sight.........Fred
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