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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. ECI makes a front disc brake kit for the Chrysler spindles, they make the dual MC, and possibly rear disc brake kits too, as well a few others manufacture for 11 inch Chrysler spindles. As this Guy is looking to go with a modern R&P front clip, he may have a lot more options for brakes. I am with Tim, on the rear end, I may go with a more modern rear end at some point on my 47 Chrysler, especially if I ever go witha T5 trans, front disc brake conversion etc. I plan to keep the flat head, but may change trans,diff and front brakes...Fred
  2. I sent an email to Norm's Wife Mary, she is very touched by our condolences and concerns. She was worried about how she would let us all know here on P15 D24, and she was glad someone let us all know. She and Norm's family are in mourning, and of course very saddened, by Norm's sudden passsing, it almost seems surrreal. I at first thought this thread was a bad joke, Norm will definately be missed,and it will not be the same without him............Fred
  3. Very sorry to hear of Norm's death, he was a big help, and very much a part of this fourm, Norm you will be missed...........Fred
  4. Hi John, looks like you folks are having great weather, and great Old Car Gettogethers. Here isa pic of my New years Day trek into my Hometown, I live 20 miles north of this city in the country. It was about -8 f today, very sunny, cold, and lots of traffic for a holiday. This City is one of the coldest big cities in the world.....Fred
  5. Hey Michael, talk about "Conspicuous Consumption":rolleyes:, up here you could rent some mightly fine office space;) for that coin, or buy a Mansion:eek:, no problem. Glad you paid out the bonuses, , as in Business "you get what you pay for", so share your wealth, and get wealthier in the process....
  6. Here is a pic of one of the front armrests completed just a few minutes ago. I still have to recover the other fornt armest, then all will be done. What a thrilling New Years Eve type I am ........Fred
  7. The 47 warming up, but not going anyhwere as it,a) the seats are out, it is far too cold, and there is snow on the ground. But Happy New Year to all of you, all the Best in 2010......Fred
  8. Here is a pic of the back of the front split bench seat from the 47.
  9. Hey is there going to be a New Years Eve party on here for those of us that are not going to any New Years Eve hootenany's. I know for us, as we have small kids at home, and the weather will be down to -14 tonight, staying home will be where it's
  10. There was 10 yards of cloth purchased, and 4 yards of vinyl for the front and back seats, I also bought 4 yards of the same cloth for the door panels, package tray, sun visors too. I think, I will do the package tray in the grey vinyl, will give it an nice offset look to match front seat. No I did do this work myself, as previously stated, this Man, has commercial upholstery equipment, even though he does this on the side from his basement....Happy New Year
  11. Thanx everyone for the "thumbs up". Remember this was done by a sideline upholsterer, a guy who does it in his spare time, A Hutterite Guy, they are like Amish, but believe in and utilize the most modern of technology. He never worked as an upholsterer, but is self taught, he made the coverings in his basement shop....Fred
  12. Thanx Greg and Aero, got it to work....Fred
  13. Hey all, here is a pic of my newly upholstered front seat, think I rather like it. The back seat is not done yet, but will be soon. Can hardly wait to get them back into my Coupe.....Fred
  14. Anybody know how to take a picture from a PDF file, and make it into a jpeg. I am trying to do this, but have not figured it out yet.....Fred
  15. Here isa pic of the ole Girl on Dec 26, it is about 20 f outside, nasty north wind. Fired up my Van and the old car, let me them run and warm up, then put both inside the garage, where they and I like them to be......Fred PS Bumpers need chroming bad, maybe next winter
  16. Well maybe in around May Or June, LOL. Actually is very windy up here today, but the temps are no where near as cold as they can be, about 25 f all day, so not bad for this far north....Fred
  17. Roast Turkey, mashed taters,stuffing(dressing), gravy, carrots, roast ham, sweet and sour meatballs, cranberry sauce, lemon slice, shortbread cookies for dessert. This is only about half of what my Mother used to put on her Christmas spreads. My Wife made a very nice meal, I only peeled the potatoes, On KP duty..........LOL
  18. Thanx Andy, can always use some front whisker trim, mine aren't the best specimens. PM me on the details, etc.......Merry Christmas BTW
  19. Thanx David for the "thumbs up", this car was a real nightmare/wreck, when I got her, should have been melted down, very rough and incomplete. I have done 95% of the work on her, including body and paint, I have recieved 95% of my advice and guidance from this forum, from a number of members. Thsi car has been real low budget, looks that way to, but I did most of myslef at home, I was all I could afford...............LOL
  20. Hi guys, tried to load up an old Christmas card with music on it, does not appear to work....Fred
  21. Here is a pic of the rear armrests, taken with my Christmas present from the Wife and kids, a Samsung digital camera, oh yeah. The armrest are not finished yet, still need to tighten and attach the material, I did use rigid foam from and old snowmobile seat, worked pretty good..................Fred a pic of my new sea:eek:t, and the door panels:), plus 1 of the old girl in her winter slumber:D. I still have to do the dash work this inwter or in spring, new speedo glass, OEM temp gauge and sender, new carpet, and the newly upholstered seats to go back in. I want to have my glovebox door replasticed too
  22. Hey Joel, Merry Christmas, all the best to you and your family. We have very little snow here, a lot more just to the south of us, the forecast is for 2 to 4 inches possibly over the next 24 hours, got about about 1 to 2 inches yesterday, the ground is barely covered. We northenr rural people need snow, something has to keep the septic field insulated.........LOL HOHOHO
  23. All the best to you and the family Dennis, any snow in the Bartsow area these days....Fred
  24. Merry Christmas and all the best to your guys Pat, Normspeed and Rob. This is a great forum, was visiting aother forum I belong to, not even a mention of Christmas or the holiday season, how boring. Great to be a part of this forum.......Fred
  25. Thanx for the Christmas wishes, all the best to you and your family Joe......Fred
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