Hey all, it is -18 f or -28 C here at my place this morning with the windchill about -35.
There is almost no snow here, which makes it colder and reeks havoc wioth water mains, sewer lines, septic fields etc.
We are very lucky, they were predicting -31 f or -35 c, and a windchill of -44 overnight.
It is only going to get up to about -6 f today, no break till Wedneday, when it will maybe go up to about 10 to 12 f.
Winter in the north can be hard, North Dakota and Northern Montana and North Minnesota, are all experiencing very cold temps this morning.
The good news is this, by next week, temps are supposed to rise, to 30s.....Fred PS just went out to my super insulated garage, which is detached from the house, it is insulated with R20 walls, and R40 attic.
The temp is 25 in there, with no heat on, that is 45 degrees difference from outside, which is good, if I put the heaters on it would be toasty in a no time.