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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hey all, have been not participating so much lately, tons of home renos going on, can hardly wait till they are done, so I can play with my Mopar. I have been doing small things, like recovering the armrests at the moment. So would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Hope your Christmas Eve is enjoyable, drive careful, if your on the road tonight.........Fred PS it's snowing, but a mild 26 degrees f, could be worse, nice and white for Christmas now.
  2. Joe, take the starter in to an old time auto electric shop, get her spinning right. Even if you convert to 12 volt now or later the 6 volt starter in good shape will be the ticket. I took my starter, and genny into just this kind of shop, never regretted it to date, still on 6 volts, new wires, new 2/00 bat cables, all works well......Fred
  3. I agree, make patterns, and get new glass cut, I have this in my car too. I have a slighlty tinted glass for my front glass........................Fred
  4. Hi Tim, have tacking strips here,in the form of of backer board, it's the little tacks, do they still sell these? Or do they use staples now?...Fred
  5. Hi Tim, sounds like a rigid foam could be the ticket. Will go to the auto upholstery supply house, and see what I can get. Now the little tacks, that attahc the material to the backer board, are those still available, should I use adhesive intead? What might be a used for the attaching purpose , for the material?
  6. Hey all, anyone klnow what is the best approach for foam or padding for armrests. I have my new material all sewn, but need foam or padding, and want to know what material may be best, how thick it should be etc. I only have a couple of pieces of the horse hair ypes from only 1 rear armrest. Any ideas, or suggestions appreciated...............Thanx Fred
  7. Robert, don't think it would hurt to spray around the ports, but laying it on thick in this area may be a concern. I would keep the paint film build very light on the polished sections that will bolt to the intake/exhaust, and paint heavier in all ajacent surfaces. Make any sense?
  8. To really know what year and what engine this "really is", we would need the engine number . Lots of these engines were rebuilt in my part of Canada for vehicles such as this, or bombardiers and combines were very common. These engines were rebuild in mass production at places like Piston Ring, and Prairie Remanufacturing in Winnipeg Canada. Another thing that was done was this, all Canuck blocks are 25 inch, so any engine would be turned into a 251 with new pistons,rods and crank....Fred
  9. C'mon Norm's Coupe, let us know the facts on this one......
  10. Greg, all the best, hope all contiunes to be well for you.......Fred
  11. Ed, did you use "eh?', that be very Canadian way of saying something:D. Mind you I was on the phone to a couple of sales people at Menards in Grand Forks ND, they certainly sound almost identical to my Canadian Prairie accent.....
  12. Don. you would'nt be any worse than Environment Canadas weather forecasting...........LOL
  13. That be Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. Lots of major snow and damp cold on the north Atlantic coastal provinces, worse than here IMHO, but we get colder, but usually less snow, and great summers. I have been outside a few times today, mostly going out to the garage, itis windy and super cold, but very sunny, at least...... http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/forecast/city_e.html?mb-38&unit=i
  14. Hey all, it is -18 f or -28 C here at my place this morning with the windchill about -35. There is almost no snow here, which makes it colder and reeks havoc wioth water mains, sewer lines, septic fields etc. We are very lucky, they were predicting -31 f or -35 c, and a windchill of -44 overnight. It is only going to get up to about -6 f today, no break till Wedneday, when it will maybe go up to about 10 to 12 f. Winter in the north can be hard, North Dakota and Northern Montana and North Minnesota, are all experiencing very cold temps this morning. The good news is this, by next week, temps are supposed to rise, to 30s.....Fred PS just went out to my super insulated garage, which is detached from the house, it is insulated with R20 walls, and R40 attic. The temp is 25 in there, with no heat on, that is 45 degrees difference from outside, which is good, if I put the heaters on it would be toasty in a no time.
  15. Someday, I may be able to say the same thing Joel, but now I have young kids, and bills to boot, goota work to play later. My car is getting things done ever so slowly,if I had the coin, it would have been done a whole lot better than she has been done, but I still love the car, she is a big part of who I am........Fred
  16. I have an extra clock from a 47 Chrysler, it also runs, maybe time for me to sell some parts off to finance my ongoing project. The clock I have runs great and keeps time, still need to have a capacitor installed, by a friend, but it is running nicely. I took it apart and cleaned and oiled her on the advice and guidance of Tim Adams, at least I think it was Tim, it was a while back. I have a radio in my car a Mopar 802, with a new dial face, don't think I will spend the big bucks to get her working though. I know this isn't a 46 to 48 Chrysler forum, but would gladly trade the clock for a nice set of window cranks for my 47 Chrysler Coupe........Fred
  17. got a dusting of snow 2 nights ago,,,,,,not bad for up here no snow till Dec 1
  18. Been renoing the basement, hanging dry wall on the ceiling. Using a drywall lift, man is this slick, gonna be busy for a while on this project. Here are a few pics of the 1 corner of the rec-room........
  19. Here are some pics of the door panels I made, and have installed into my 47 Chrysler. The seats have not come back yet, the armrests need to be made, new headliner, carpet, and windlace to follow. I am not 100% satisfied with my work on my door panels, but will have to live with the results...............Fred
  20. RM of St. Andrews, just 12 miles north of Winnipeg (pop 800000) Manitoba, Canada. We are located 200 miles north of Fargo ND, follow I 29 right to Winnipeg, then just outside of the city to St Andrews........
  21. Coldest night here so far, about 15 we now have a dusting of snow covering the ground, we did not have snow here till Dec 02, which is good for us.........Fred
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