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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Moose, got any pics, would like to create something like this myself, in the future Found the pics, cool A
  2. I agree, Jon, what the heck do you mean "advance 1 gear tooth", there ain't no gear teeth on the dizzy. Do you mean the rotor contact position, by moving it. As been suggested, pull dizzy,and re-install 180 degrees to see if that is the problem. Do you have spark?..........
  3. Hi Steve, thanx for the reply, hope all is well with you. Do I have to convert to 12 volt to enjoy the benefits of electronic igntion. I find I have decent acceleration already, but would like more if possible, how about easier starts and a cooler running engine..........Fred
  4. 12 to 14 square feet, X $15.00 = $180 to $210, plus tint and taxes
  5. Jon, what happened, did you fire her up, or are you out for a drive already?
  6. My yard this morning, as you can see kids live snow, but the older I get the less I like it, can hardly wait for spring.........
  7. Looks very nice Joe,comming along real well......
  8. Jon, as suggested, pull dist and rotate 180 degrees. Do you have all wires attached to the coil, did you check for spark, did you re-set point with dizzy out. Even once you rotate the dizzy 180 degrees, you may need to retime, but it should fire if that is your engines problem....keep us informed throughout the day, is there any forum members nearby, or can someone call Jon and walk him through this........
  9. Tim, for sure high moisture does not agree with fruit trees, molds and blights can then infest trees. Up here is the same thing, the last 2 spring and summers, even falls have been very wet, had standing water here and there in yards. Our saving grace this past season was a very warm dry Septemeber, ripened the crops real nice, the summer was lousy, vegatables well below par. It has been a milder winter, more along the lines of Chicago or Omaha weather here, still cold, but very little -30 stuff. My septic tank pill switch went 2 weeks ago, and the tank filled darn near to the top, before I realized it, so septic tank truck comes over to pumup it. The septic Guy told me, this year in our area had more frozen septic fileds and tanks then ever, because of hih ground moisture, and no snow in the beginning of winter, wehn we had cold snaps. I always worry about my feild till March every year, a frozen filed is no fun. Up here mine is 7 to 8 feet in the ground, the collar is about 5 feet long or more.......Fred
  10. Thats nothing good for the grass and farmers fields, your snow is probably melted already..............
  11. Hope all is well with you Joe, about this time of year ,I am sick of winter already bring on the melt. An Native Canadian Man told me the other day he spotted crows in the area, we usually don't see them till early to mid March, he is predicting an early spring for here, we shall see, not holding my breath on that one........
  12. Hey you Guys south of the 49th, what has been happening, I have never seen this much snow in the USA, on the NOAA Snow map. I think the winter Olympics Venue should be changed, Atlanta would be the best Choice..................PS in my part of Canada, we have less snow than normal, aint the temps have been fairly decent, can hardly wait til spring though
  13. How about an A model hotrod, complete with a Mopar Flathead 6, duals carbs and exhaust..........
  14. Just pull it and and rotate 180 degrees, and fire this puppy up, man, I would not have the patience to wait till tomorrow, it would be bugging me all night.................Hope it runs well Jon
  15. I tend to agree, Pete, but I do realize the disc brakes are very good add-ons, but for the most part my stockers are good. I know a lot of Guys complain about stock brakes. They definately need to be set-up right and adjusted periodically. I don't even think my brake shoes were adjusted that great, but still have good pedal height and topping abilty, panic stops could be fun....fred
  16. Jon, did you start this engine up today, and see how things are?
  17. Hi Pete, are you still on stock brakes? I am running stock brakes, infact the front backing plates and drums are from a 51 Plym, on my 47 Chrysler. I do find these brakes not too bad, it is flat country here and relatively lower level of traffic on the highways. I would imaine you being in hill country would need better brakes......Fred
  18. Sorry to hear of this news, hope all goes well in your pursuit of new employment, all the best.........Fred
  19. Frankie, even in Canada, we have 10 provinces and 2 territories, all of which have different regulations for titles and registration rules. Some provinces have private insurance same companies as in USA, State Farm, Prudential etc, while other provinces have Public Insurance for motor vehicles, state run so to speak. Manitoba has public insurance for motor vehicles, but private insurance companies sell the stuff to you and register the vehicles, go figure, it is dirt cheap though compared to the private insurance provinces like Ontario, which has 13 million people and little old Manitoba only has 1.2 million people. When I registered my 47, did not need title, just signed a declaration, and produced valid Motor vehicle safety certificate, and it was done, normally you just need a bill of sale, but I lucked out on this old baby, even got my 888 plate too boot........
  20. Yes some did, not sure if they were Canadian or American made cars/trucks I know of some Mopar 40s export cars that have KM speedos, infact the temp gauge is in celsius too.......
  21. Exactly, I could not believe this engine was skipped, it was used for military,domestic, farm, indutrial use, trucks, cars, you name it. I would think this may have been 1 of the most widely gasoline engine ever used in so many applications for so many years. There were 2 huge engine rebuilers in the City near by, they were mass production rebuilding the Chrysler flat head 6 till the mid to late 80s. My Uncle used to haul cores to this place for years, was getting about a $100 dollars for each engine no questions asked. These engines are 1 of the greatest in my books, don't know how Richard Lentinello's Hemmings Classic Car mag could dispute that.....Fred From Hemmings Classic Cars Decemebr 2006, this is what they wrote about the lasnt 6, but at the same time knocking down the L head 6, it was included in the 12 best engines ever manufactuered in North America. The following is from Hemmings Classic Car magazine December 2006. 1960 Chrysler Slant Six When Chrysler decided to replace its woefully inefficient L-head straight-sixes with a higher-compression, more compact engine, the company created a modern OHV six that was no taller than a Chrysler V-8. Engineers leaned the prototype engine 30 degrees to the right, while at the same time leaning its transmission 30 degrees to the left, for even weight balance. That also allowed designers to adopt an intake manifold with elongated runners, which in turn made high-turbulence "wedge" combustion chambers make sense. The final design approved for production also had enormous main bearings and, right from the start, the Slant Six set a benchmark for durability and performance among small American engines. At 170 cubic inches when introduced in the 1960 Plymouth Valiant, it produced 101hp. Later Plymouth and Dodge versions were upped to 225 cubic inches and 145hp, although a factory Hyper-Pak boosted output all the way to 196hp.
  22. Here is my beast of a feline, brought him home December 2000. He is a great mouser, can scrap and climb like nobody's business. Hea has slowed down this winter, and is getting a ponch, just look at him lazing in the sunrooom sunshine...........
  23. Many snow blower, and Bombardiers in this part of Canada were , and still are all powered by the Chrysler L head 6s, I still wonder how Hemmings did not include these engines in the 12 all time best, but critically put them down, as under performers to the slant 6, which was 1 of the all time best engines...
  24. I love the blooms of fruit trees, we won't see that this far north till May, hope your frost risks are gone by now.....
  25. Robert, Aloha, hope your having a blast, we be jealous on here, especially those Guys digging out around DC, Virginia areas ...
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