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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. heheheh,hhohoho................LOL, Hey Mopar Brother this is the place for you and me, good thing we have this place........
  2. Congrats Dennis, all the best to your new Grandson and the family, does He get to drive........
  3. 10 year old gas= drain it out, and get fresh gas. I would pull spark plugs, if the engine spins over, and try and get some oil into the cylinders, and maybe crank over a bit to get oil moving around. Once you have fresh gas in the tank, and all is well for the ignition department, battery starter, I would prime the carb with gas, and get her cranking over. 10 years huh, never tried to start her occasionally during this time? Hope all works out well, if she was stored inside, may not be so bad........Fred
  4. Hi all, 1 item that has not been changed on my car is the fuel pump, and have been running ethanol blended gas about 3 years, wonder what is going on in there. Manitoba has 11 or 12 % ethanol in regular gas, all mid grade and Premium do not contain ethanol, should I switch to preemo gas, with the regular so far so good. My gas tank is new, so are the fuel lines, carb rebuilt, 2 gas filters, 1 se through glass, do not see anything going on the glass filter yet.......Fred
  5. Bingster you 'bad Boy", twice yearly change oil, check after evrey cut, before next cut, add oil as necessary, I use Shelll Rotella T 15W40. Change spark plug every season, and it sure sounds like your problem, replace with an NGK, not Champion. Clean air filter and replace it yearly, change fuel filter yearly or every 2nd year. Change blades 1/2 way through season, and sharpen. Today I pulled out my 2005 Sears Lawn Tractor, with a Honda 16.5 V Twin, it was running crappy, and sounded like only on 1 cyl, no power. I pulled the plugs and isntalled fresh NGK plugs, and away she went, I had 2 or 3 seasons on those plugs, shame on me.................Fred
  6. Rodney, when my heat riser was stuck (saeized in the wrong position, my engine would get real hot fast. A lot of Guy's do not believe this, and figure the heatriser has no bearing on engine temp, I say it does, at least on my engine. I rebuilt the heat riser, and things improved immediately. If your heat riser ois broken, at least secure it in the warmed up position, to allow hot exhaust gas to exit freely.........Fred hope thing work out, keep the flat head, you already have a few V8s, you would miss the old flattie
  7. I installed the rollover valve, it was not difficult to do, and allows venting, so you should do it. I used a stock repro (from Roberts) fuel sender unit, just reverse the float arm swing, and it works great. This tank is a very good replacement, and is not that expensive too boot, very happy with it.........Fred
  8. Very Good Bingster, yes the price is very good, for someone welding in new patch panels, I am sure it will be just fine.......Fred
  9. I will be ordering my headliner from EZ Boy this fall, and will also install my own. I am not 100% sure what I will be sticking to the ceiling first fora sound deadener/insulation, thing EZ Cool. I am looking forward to this job, and subsequent finished look and sound reduction..................fred
  10. If the rockers are not too bad, you could,cut and patch. The outer floor, and the floor supports do tie into the rockers, so if they are rusty and falling to the ground, it will create havoc with the doors and pillars. Why don't you post some pics of what you have, and see if some of us can direct you to a possible best repair. My rockers on my coupe were pretty bad, so I cut them right out, and welded in 2 inch square tube steel and made my rocker sills to fit over this, but this is not necessarily the only or best way, just the way I did it. If yours have some rust holes here and there, and are other wise solid, then maybe a patch job, can suffice......Fred
  11. They should pop off on the bottom edge, there should be 3 fasteners with nut and bolt, 2 on the bottom of the front fender, and the rearend of the rocker trim. They may still make re-pops, try Restoration Specialists, I made a few of my own with 1/8 inch thick plexi, cut and shaped to fit the rocker trim, so far they work great. Rocker panels may now be available, through the "plymouth doctor", or you may have to custom fab your own, as I did Drain hole plugs? Or do you mean the sill mat plug grommets, they are available through Steele Rubber, Roberts, and Bernbaums........Fred
  12. Is this an extra water passage hole for a more modern internal by-pass system, as opposed to a external by-pass water pump system? Hopefully someone will chime in and state wehter this gasket can still be used, it would not be okay the other way around, where you would need an extra hole, for a water passage, and it was not punched out..........Fred
  13. Very interesting read, wonder how much is based in scientific fact, empirical evidence. Not refuting this info, but wonder how they gathered all there info and tested there theories..........Fred
  14. This car is no where to be seen now, musta sold quik. I did see a 55 Chev Nomad Wagon today, have not seen one up close and personal for years, and this baby was in fantastic shape, sorry no camera this time......
  15. I will see if I can find out, I did not see it last night, so maybe it is already sold......Fred
  16. Anyone that is seriously interested let me know, will fetch the phone number. I am not interested, probably gonna be asking a few buck$ for it, I am sure. I would really like a car like this, if I could afford it, but I can't ......Fred
  17. Here is a pic of a Roadster for sale not far from my place, in Selkirk Manitoba, not sure what the asking price is, no doubt a SBC under the hood. This little car would make a nice project, the rat rod look has to go on this one, a nice red paint color with cream color leather interior, would be pleasing, to my eyes.......Fred
  18. What do you think Wallyworld Brand (Super Tech) or whatever they call it now is, re-refined at a Chicago plant, so it is recycled.....the Rock
  19. I believe 170 t/stats were once being produced, but I am like most everyone, they do not manufacture or sell them today, to the best of my knowledge.......the Rock
  20. My fuel system,tank, lines, filters are new and in great shape. I still got a vapor lock or some type of fuel boil, it was ona super hot 100 degree day, and the air was thick, my car ran great, but once I parked it, on the hot driveway, she would not restart, until it was cooled right down, and carb primed with gas. Not sure why it happend, I do have a fuel pump shiled, the location of the pump and fuel line to carb, is very close to the exhaust, and underhood temps will get super high on super hot days........Fred
  21. Hey , glad this "hot trip", was a success. And the idea of just driving and not being paranoid about noises and gauge readings is a bonus, all the best.......Fred
  22. Hey I thought BC cars were rust free, like California cars. Actually a lot of Sask and Alberta cars where it's dry and cold in Winter, are good specimens. Manitoba old cars found in the country can sometimes be fairly rust free too.....Fred
  23. Hey Bob & Greg, looks like a "good Time", inspite of the rain. I feel like I know both you Guys, even though we have not formally met.........
  24. Maybe, but this was not that long ago, and had filled up the tank a number of times before this. But who knows, could be the quality of the gas from the location I bought it from too......Fred
  25. Hey all, this is more of a statement thread then a ? thread, but feel free to offer opinions and thoughts on this one. Earlier in summer, my 47 although running well, would sometimes take off from a dead stop, on the jerky side, almost like a clutch chatter, but really doubt that was an isssue, clutch is fairly new, and no oil seems to leak from the rear main into the clutch pan. I did do a carb adjustment, and the engine starts well cold and warm, and sometimes if hot is a little harder to start, most likely gas is hot. Today just had a quick 10 mile ride, ran super smooth, and idles nice, and takes off from a dead stop very smooth. Not complaining just happy about this, but wonder what caused the jerky starts before, unless the operator(me), is doing some different foot work......Thanx Fred
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