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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Very nice, glad the trip went well, if these cars are in good mechanical shape they can travel, you did 200 miles, probably could do 2000 miles, if you take it easy........Fred
  2. Young Ed, is driving his P15 on I 694, I 94 and the 494, as he lives in that city, not much choice, others live in So Cal, without OD , and the San Bernadino Fwy, Long Beach Frwy, Santa Ana Frwy, I-15, must have some P 15 travel....
  3. Wonder if Bamford is in North Dakota tonight, perhaps near Fargo or Grand Forks, or a little further west at Jamestown ND, on the ND #2 highway near Minot ND. He should be into the Twin Cites tomorrow around early afternoon. Now Young Ed, get over with the camera of them pulling in on the 694.......Fred
  4. FG, err on the side of caution, avoid mid day heat, drive in the morning and evenings, those temps are getting up there. If your cooling system is in preemo shape, water jackets, water pump, rad etc, then some moderate dring in hot temps can be done. Its when you start pushing it up hills, high speed on the freeway, pulling a load etc. Engine Temps of 180 to 195 aren't going to kill it, it's when they rise over 200, and are not going to cool down, is when stuff happens. Why don't you go for a short, lower speed ride today and see what happens.........Fred
  5. Here you go Don, Hummer getting ready for a cruise in "Eleanor".......
  6. Very cool Don, the Humming Birds are now gone from Southern Manitoba, not return until early May. That little Hummer, musta been around people feeding it with a feeders, possibly held in there hands. Or the Bird just felt plain safe with you, I am surprised, you did not take it for a spin in "ole blue"........
  7. Hey how about an old stainless steel bedpan, for the old girls.......LOL
  8. hehehe, something for me to look forward too, going to be 49 soon. I have heard of situations like yours, rebuilt engine, and still oil leaks from places like the rear main seal, and some engines, don't leak much if any, just the way it is I suppose. I look at the pavment at stop lights, parking lots, and a lot of modern engines are leaking oil too, go figure.........Fred
  9. Check for leaks at oil pump, fuel pump, front timing cover gasket, rear main seal too. Maybe the pan gasket isn't leaking at all, but may be from somewhere else, even the valve cover gaskets. I replaced my oil pan gasket last spring, quite confident it does not leak, but still get leaks a bit from oil pump, from timing cover gasket too. I place a large sheet of thick cardboard under the car in the garage, and unless I have to pull the engine, not going to worry about. Hey don't Old Harleys leave there mark too........Fred
  10. Well this certainly could have been a dealer add-on, or possibly special factory order. Probably not right in 1946 (right after the war), but maybe for 47 and 48. I would lean toward dealer add-on, like many other options, even though those options were MOPAR items..........Fred
  11. If it is the by-pass canister filter, go to NAPA, buy a NAPA Gold # 1071 ( made by Wix), about $5.00 to $10.00. If it is the canister, which you change the whole contained unit, contact Roberts Motor Parts, he may have em. Post a pic of what you have. Possibly you could move the spin-on filter out of sight, and paint and installl the OEM canister housing for decoration........Fred PS you can get new decals for the filter housing from Roberts or Neil Riddle
  12. That old flathead looks not so bad, and is complete looking. Parts are no problem for this car, or it's drive line, making a hot rod is up to you, but plenty of us have flatties and old drive trains with no issues, and nothing like the sound of an old Lhead Mopar 6 cruising along. With and overdrive trans or a modern rear end bolted to the flattie, your car can sail down the freeway nicely too, these old engines are brutes, and designed for hard work.......Fred
  13. Safe and Happy Voyage, keep us posted on your progress, and take plenty of pics, you should be in Saskatchewan or Montana tonight.......Fred
  14. She, has her Air bag unit up front and high, Now that's performance..........LOL
  15. only if your name is "Billy Crash Craddock"
  16. Hi Aero, did not know you were going for the whole rebuild. I know you had some trouble with a bearing, but what prompted the engine to be pulled for an overhaul.........Fred
  17. Hi Guys, I have the hood lip trim, that will be done as a test, and we shall see what the quality will be like. To get myfront and rear bumpers replated for my 47 Chrysler will be approximately $800.00 from a chrome plater, that would be triple chrome, bumpers staightened up etc. The hard chrome route was a possible low budget alternative, and it would not cost me very much. The bupers would still be stripped in an acid tank I think. I have not made up my mind either way, but lean toward not doing it, but if it can be done with okay results,why not. Time will tell, hopefully will have a test piece done soon...............Fred
  18. True enough, will have him do something small like the hood lip trim and see hwat it looks like......Fred
  19. A Buddy, works in this shop, and he will be doing some hard chroming of some parts, but both of us are considering to do my bumpers, wonder if I could shoot clear coat over them afterwards to protect and get them shinier. I am willing to do my bumpers in hard chrome, as the price is right, can't be any worst than my scracthed, peeling rust spotted bumpers I have now......Fred
  20. Here you go Bob, AACA has a Flat Head Pontiac forum, uses a similar format to this forum...Fred http://forums.aaca.org/f191/
  21. Hey all, whats the fact on Mopar L Head 6 engines, were they built in the factory with hardened valve seats, or not? If so, were all Mopar flat head 6s equipped with hardened valve seats? If so, why, were not most of the others valve seats, just ground into the cast iron? Why would the Chrysler corp be different, was there a reason to have hardened valve seats way back when.........Fred
  22. This is a hard chrome plating as you have mentioned, for a lot of industrial uses, such as hydraulic pistons, bearing races, not as shiny and mirror like triple plating, but the price will be right, next to nothing. It is not a spray on coating, but done in a plating tank...........
  23. Is that Rat Rod , or Cat Rod, or Bat Rod, mieces with wings, had another that started with "P" powered, but this is a family site.................LOL
  24. We have garter snakes (rattlers are further west, in Robert KB country) gophers,ground hogs, ground squirrels, red/gray squrirrels, weasles, skunks like I have never seen before this year, dead ones all over on the highways....
  25. Here are 2 pics of my younger of the 2 family cats, she is about 5 months old, and has been mousing. This rodent is fighting back, and is scaring the young cat, as the rodaent is bigger than what she has been killing. Gotta have cats around in the country to keep the rodents in line.....LOL
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