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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. I think you would be fine with either 3.5 or 3.73 gears, pulling a small trailer with what 2 quads? How much gross weight we talking with trailer and quads? Hey you really need to drive 1 of these trucks at 100-110 kmh, then decide, if pulling trailers I would keep it to 90 kmh, unless the road is a smooth carpet, these old trucks were not intended to pull trailers at high speeds, lower speeds Yes. IMHO, get truck road worthy, and go check it out on a highway, they are fun to drive, but ride much like big trucks, solid axle up front, heavy springs etc. I would also suggest upgrade to disc brakes if hauling trialers too. If your trailer has trailer brakes, might be wise to upgrade to 12 volt in truck also....
  2. You need to determine what gear ratio you have in that diff, I would not even entertain driving major highways with 4.10 to 4.78 gears, a whole lotta a revvin. 3400 rpm, is damn near redlined, 3000 would be okay, but closer to 2500 rpm for long highway drives is the ticket. Wait till you have a super hot day, and your running at 3000 rpm for a while, lots of heat. You can swap in a different pumpkin( 3rd member), from another Mopar prior to 1954s, using a 10 spline axle. You could get a 3.54 from a 46-48 Chrysler, or a 3.73 from lots of Dodges and Plyms, relatively easy swap. Or get an 80s Mopar 8 1/4 diff, from 3.23 to 3.55, then you can cruise easier at highway speeds. I have P205 75 15 tires, and still feel comfortable at 60 mph, engine handles it easy, but these old trucks ride like old trucks. New shocks, king pins, tie rod ends, tight steering, springs in good shape, and good tires, are a must at speeds over 50 mph. PS mark your drive shaft and rear wheel, roll truck until rear wheel makes 1 revolution,and count how many times the mark on drive shaft spins= diff ratio
  3. 1 of the best NOS, New and Used parts supplier is Norm Dumontier, at Mid Canada, 1-204-475-3399
  4. Come on Tim,post a pic of the Tiger, of you driving it today, get the mrs with the camera out..............
  5. Tim,was about thinking the same thing, think He really likes them, but can't admit it, ......LOL The paint looks brighter in the pics, more subdued in reality,being alkyd paint she will dull up a bit in time..
  6. The finished product more or less, more of the interior needs to be painted too, doors included. Was 25 and frosty outside this morning, going to be 63 today, back to about 70 in a day or so, very early frost, but a nice moring, heater works well...
  7. Nah, I don't do rattle can paint jobs, spray with spray gun, I might use acrylic enamel mixed to this color for exterior.If you have painted with spray equipment,you will know how much more you can lay down very quickly compared to cans. Does not compare. I always add hardener too, cant do that with spray bombs...
  8. Thanx Dave, she ain't perfect. 4 hours of sanding, prepping and masking,etc.2 minutes to paint.... My hands get arthritic after a lot of hand sanding, I was also able to get my DA sander on this dash for part of it though...
  9. I concur, get rid of all that old crap, that is too far gone, a fire waiting too happen, I know how that works. Re-wire 1 at a time is straight forward and simple, get the schematic, a number of rolls of colored wire in 12,14, 16 gauge, some 10 gauge for the genny wire, heater motor etc. New bulb sockets too, check all switches, heck it is simple enough to install a small fuse panel,and work from that. Buy or have made 2/0 battery cables, install a new ground strap, and thing will be a lot better. Wiring was 1 of my favorite jobs on my old vehicles.
  10. Just "ribbin" you Man, I am going to spray the wheel again and not worry about it. The cold and heat and grabbing the wheel tight, most likely did it, no big deal. The spinner, is vintage 50s, a gift from a friend...
  11. Listen Buster, steering wheel has been done once already,some lines were fine and came back, just going to spray it again....LOL ps you a perfectionist
  12. Thanx Hank and Merle,it is elcheapo Canadian Tire Armor Coat "Bright Blue", rust enamel. I know this job was not Pro, that would require bare metal, primers and some surfacing before laying down some quality topcoats, this will do for my needs....
  13. Hey all got bored yesterday after night shift, sanded, prepped and painted dash. I have the dash glovebox door still drying, not bad for a quickie job for an old driver truck. I also installed my vintage early 80s Audiovox AM/FM Deck, my wife had it in Her 1974 Dart, way back when.. PS got any Mind Blower or Jensen Triaxial speakers for me
  14. Oh some day, gonna be there, you can count on it....
  15. Could have gone .030 and give that engine a little boost, lots of that has been done ...
  16. Welcome to the forum, nice hauler you picked up there.Keep us posted with your progress and pics....
  17. Hey all, who has bought ready made stock exhaust from Kepitch, did their own install? I am either going to buy this,or have custom made local shop. I figure if the ready made systems are made to fit well, could be the best bet....thanx Fred
  18. You can get this in good ole North America, http://www.americanfloormats.com/pyramid-runner-mats/
  19. Jon, you could turn up the idle a bit , until you can pull the carb. Hey if you can get another carb, and swap that might be a better bet, then you can rebuild yours for a spare...
  20. Yup, I agree, Jon can you let us know the end result on this topic...
  21. My current look on my 1955 Dodge/Fargo pickup, which I call a 55 fargo, truly a canuck truck...
  22. Great for you Karl, gotta couple of 251s around here for possible future rebuilds
  23. No harm done, just want to keep the new Lad on the right path....
  24. There not flat or cup shaped, but concave discs, they get flat when drifted into place
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