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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Amen Brother, I likes your thinkin.......
  2. Hope your feeling better Mark, cars and exhaust looks great buy Momma some nice ear buds for an Ipod, she can listen to some mellow music while you rumble through town. Have a Merry Christmas too..........
  3. Got a 1955 1 ton Dodge Truck frame with 251 engine and rest of running gear, if you need any items from this, the frame is different than yours, this also had a 9 foot box.
  4. Merry Christmas, we are having 1 of the coldest Christmases in a quite while, it is currently about -12f or -24c, with about a -30 windchill, sunny and super dry at these low temps, but I hate it, and for me almost ruins Christmas. We have to travel by car today, and tomorrow, today to a more desolate location, and Christmas Day, to the city, do not like road travel in super cold weather.....
  5. I likes that machine, would I ever like to light up those tires, nice color and all too, you done good on this acquisition. In the winter of 1978, drove a 61 Phoenix out to Grandparents country home for Uncle, car ran great 318 auto, sadly it sat there until 2007, then someone bought it before it rusted away, not sure what it's fate was....
  6. Murry Kristmas to all yall Rednecks down South, from this Good Ole Boy from the Great Snowwhite North. May ole Santee fill your bellies with Beam, your stockings with Blue ( Pabst Blue that is), and May Santee bring some dang dentures for Momma.............Merry Christmas Yall
  7. Looks good from my end Mackster, that bumper sure has nice chrome.....
  8. A little while ago, went for a ride too, it's 2f or -16c..
  9. Merry Christmas to you too Rob, just got back in from a 55 Fargo drive, not far, she ran well, lots of fun....
  10. Worked for me Mr Indiana, the "Devel Car", was that the Burger King pulling that car?
  11. Love the pic, and yes in 1940, cars were used longer, and less new ones bought just after the depression, and the beginning of WW2. Where is this town???
  12. Hey Phil, that snow storm rip through your area yet. Ottawa and Montreal is supposed to get hit with some deep snow...........
  13. Ya okay Neil:rolleyes:, we are further south;), but it is the same old prairie Canada cold:confused:, summer is super hot at times, and it is humid here from the Lakes, think your weather is much drier in summer than ours...
  14. This back drop could pass for the South, along the Historic Red River of the North, Eveline Street in Selkirk Manitoba.
  15. Nice video, some exhaust pipes smokin old raw exhaust. Lots of smog in the back drop, in the Hollywood Hills...
  16. Looks mighty invitin Bob, on Sunday baked 3 pies for kids, wife wasn't feeling well. They turned out okay, but not my idea of fun kinda like learning to do bodywork, not so easy at first...
  17. Again Andy, Canada tried that game, and abolished it, a "National Gun Control Registry" for all guns, including long guns,rifles, 22s shotguns. It was an expensive nightmare that was an utter failure. I will say this again Criminals do not register, buy lawful weapons, whackos steal weapons, they will kill and will get what they need to accomplish there sick goals. I don't pretend to know the answer, but do know criminals, psychos, murderers do not concern themselves with lawful gun ownership, they get what they need, whether lawful or illegal, to get a means to their end. No registry, buying rules, safe responsible ownership, would curb a blood thirsty killers obsession to shoot and kill innocent people, they just do it..
  18. Nice pic Jon, glad your Car is running well............
  19. I used this very tank in my 47 Chrysler, although it is not exactly as stock, it was a nice easy fit, with some minor modification. The tank is well made, priced right. I am very happy with it, and no issues with the gas line ferrule to deal with.... can post pics if you want Bob T. http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=226/category_id=68/home_id=59/mode=prod/prd226.htm
  20. Yes Paul, that prank, while distasteful, was not meant to push someone over the edge. Was there not some issues with mental health with this Woman. I am not discounting that tragedy in any way, but this woman must have already been suffering from some disorder. I truly believe there are a lot of individuals running around either not diagnosed, or misdiagnosed suffering from psychotic illness, schizophrenia, major mental illnesses, not being recognized and treated. It is quite disturbing to think that our media, thrives on the most destructive, heinous and vile news, happy positive news does not rate, to the stories such as today's Mass Murder, of the nations children. A true, heartache, that all should feel for those left behind in this Evil Spirits wake...
  21. Criminals and the demented always find a way to get weapons, whether it's a firearm, knives,explosives,poisons, or whatever, they find a way. Interesting, there was an expert, being interviewed after the Oregon mall shooting, He explained that where concealed weapons are lawful, violent crime against persons is lower, but place like malls, sometimes have" no firearm tolerance", thus whackos know this and prey on these places, knowing people aren't packing weapons to shoot back and defend themselves. This is tragic, and is a trademark of the very frightening violent times we live in. Again though, criminals and the insane, do not try to buy guns in a legal lawful manner, there are plenty of illegal, and stolen guns to be had........
  22. hey Guys, top of the Season to you. I will try and decorate the ole girl tomorrow, and take a pic. I was thinking as I took these pics, should dress her up for Xmas....
  23. Hey all, pulled the ole girl out today to strecth here legs and get things circulated a bit. Battery needed charging a bit, and away she fired up, runs great as usual, warms up nice and toasty too.
  24. Whats going on with Humanity. Some whacko just killed 27 people at a Grammar School in Connecticut, just outside NYC, 18 were kids, the Nation must morn this loss, especially at Christmas....very disturbing news
  25. 55 Fargo

    We Are Back!

    Faster on my end, 2100 miles from you Gerald....
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