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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2016 in all areas

  1. Our area is fortunate to have a forest/pioneering museum that also runs a steam train which runs most of the summer, but they also bring it out for the Halloween Ghost train and the Polar express. We took our kids and our niece out to ride it last night, just wanted to share. Merry Christmas to all.
    2 points
  2. Great photos, thanks for sharing, by the way, I watched "Polar Express" last night, I am unashamed to say my 68 year old eyes watered often during the movie
    2 points
  3. Yes, I wanted to see him on the road. Also sold him a good for radiator $50. Put him on the road.
    1 point
  4. The Desoto /Chrysler / Dodge Truck engine your referring to is 238 ci, 250ci and 265. They all weigh within 2 pounds of each other. They are all 3 7/16" bore and use different rods and cranks to get to 238 ci - 4 1/4" stroke, 250 - 4 1/2" stroke and 265 - 4 3/4" stroke. While the Desoto never had a 265 ci motor stateside, after Chrysler and Dodge Trucks have them in 1952, you could but the 265 in the 1953 model year in Canada, just like Plymouth could be bought with a 250 ci motor later. Yes I realize people often refer the 250 as a 251 or 252, but I am just going by what Chrysler called them. In any case those engines are 422 pounds. That is the engine.. Not bell housing, not intake, exhaust and carbs, pulleys, starter etc, but does include the distributor. I haven't scaled one with all the accessories on it, but someone's estimate of 450 lbs is likely pretty darn close. Our 265 engine in our race car, including the intake/exhaust, carbs, ready to hook up to the bell housing weights 410 pounds. There is actually a lot of weight you can take out of the engine if you really want to Tim
    1 point
  5. I'm gradually building a register of these cars in the UK and, so far, have details of 45 P15s. I'm sure there are a lot more to be found, too. Here's a picture from a meet we held in October.
    1 point
  6. Merry Christmas to all, and those who visit Tims Christmas Wish Blog. All the best of you who have been good and honoring Mr WPC and keeping his marvels of inventions alive and well. My your "stockings" be stuffed with Chryco goodies, that you keep your Mopar happy with Mopar parts. Lumps of coal will be found in the Stockings of those who continue to Bah Humbug the excellency of Chrysler engineering, by promoting Chevy parts. "Kristos Razdayetsya," to My Ukrainian friends.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Hi Guys - I truly wish all of you folks a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. It is the season for reflection and planning for the new year. I hope one and all has a safe holidays season and remember to Keep Christ in Christmas. He is the reason for the season and we are all truly better when we welcome him into our lives. I do love your comment Plymouth#43. Maybe Tim should start a blog in the new years titled - "What would Walter P Chrysler say" or "What would Walter P Chrysler do" or "Would Walter P Chrysler Approve"...
    1 point
  9. Merry Xmas to all of the Forum Member from Valley Forge where George Washington Spent the very cold and snowy winter in very crude makeshift Log huts to provide us with the rights to celebrate Christmas in the United states. Or should I say that we still have the rights to say Christmas and not just Holiday Celebration because we might offend someone. But this is the US and I am going to say MERRY XMAS or MERRY CHRISTMAS Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
    1 point
  10. as i see it.....when I am gone this will be my ultimate get even with the kids for never cleaning their rooms when they lived at home...all I have to say about that...
    1 point
  11. I have just done exactly this job ,the gaskets were shot and also blocked some of the passages.Cleaned out all of the passages using carb cleaner ,made sure the dashpot leather end piece was ok and buttoned it all back up ,result no leaks! Adjusted the float levels by bending it slightly ,it all happened as my new mechanical fuel pump was putting out more pressure than the 6 volt electric one .I made the decision to go back to a mechanical pump as the crappy chinese 6 volt pumps are ,well,crappy.I kept it inline to use as a priming pump though.
    1 point
  12. With no radio, no windshield wipers, no phone I decided to visit my cousin in Cloverdale, California. It took me 10 hours to get from Southern California to the San Francisco bay area. Next day 3 hours to get to Cloverdale. It was about 1156 miles (round trip). I'm going to figure out how much gas I used and see what my mileage was. The car drove like a champ. I don't like driving at night because I don't have dash lights - I don't have dash lights because I don't drive at night. Going across the Golden Gate bridge gave me chills. It was 1948, I was lost in dreams. At my cousins he took apart my WS wiper motor (and told me it's not a motor but we couldn't figure out what to call it). I am going to have wind shield wipers. I don't want to make a novel out of this but just wanted to say all the money I've put into that silly car was worth it.
    1 point
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