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adminstrator_p15d24ph last won the day on November 7 2024

adminstrator_p15d24ph had the most liked content!


87 Excellent

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About adminstrator_p15d24ph

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Santa Barbara, California
  • My Project Cars
    P15, D24, B1


  • Location
    Santa Barbara, CA
  • Interests
    Cars, Boats and Tech

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  1. Thank you Tod for locking. Just to clarify the reason for no political/religion threads is because inevitable someone gets pissed off and it turns ugly. I have seen other forums destroyed by this behavior going rampant. Unfortunately "if people act as adults" is not a given based on my experience. 😒 Robert, the idea is P15-D24 is a safe haven from the the many "outside forces" that can distract us from the primary objective, keeping our mopars on the road!
  2. Hello, I want to ad info to my existing thread in the trucks forum but the last post went in as a new thread. How can I enter new info into my old thread ?


    Ray J.

  3. Locking, useful suggestions seem to have ended.
  4. Locked, slowly but surely drifting into a religion/political discussion.
  5. Quote


    Help!  I tried to list my car in the classified  dept.  Spent a lot of time filling out all the boxes but I couldn't figure out how to pay for it.  This is way too complicated for me.  I just want to sell my car and some parts.

    I not even sure where the answer to this will appear.

  6. We are experiencing issues with the automatic account validation for new registrations. If you click on the link to validate your registration but still can't log in email info@p15-d24.com with your registration username and email address. I can then activate your account. This issue appears to be a software conflict with the new forum version and a third party add on package and I'm working with vendor support teams to get it resolved as quickly as possible. Apologize for any inconvenience it has caused.
  7. Just didn't want to work the way it was suppose to! IPS support (the forum software vendor) got it sorted out the site back online.
  8. Please post wanted requests in the Classifed ad section. It's free.
  9. First, it's his car and he can do whatever he wants. Second, he is asking for help. If you have something productive to add, please join the conversation. Third, if you disagree with his approach you may state your reasons in a respectful manner, never forgetting it's his car and he can do what he pleases. Lastly, he is welcome on the site and to ask these types of questions. Maybe if you present a logical and respectful argument he will consider other option. Or you will get a better understanding of why he wants to follow a particular approach. Enough of this bickering, thread locked.
  10. I deleted a recent thread regarding the quality of parts from one of the larger mopar specific parts suppliers. This was done for several reasons after being contacted directly by the vendor. First, several statements were made about the vendor by members who had never done any business with them. So they were expressing opinions not based on any first hand knowledge of the subject. This is not acceptable. Second, the original poster assumed the vendor would not be willing to work with him in resolving the issue. These types of situations are often resolved with a single phone call even after a lengthy time period. The mopar community and it's supporting vendors are a small group and it's to the benefit of the vendor to have the opportunity to try and fix the issue. As others noted in the thread we don't have a lot of alternative vendors like the Chevy and Ford guys. Giving vendors constructive feedback on needed product improvements will often result in better products. If not your other choice is heading to the boneyard and getting lucky. So just a couple guidelines before going off on a rant: If you have an issue with a vendor, contact them directly to see if you can come to an agreeable resolution. If you don't have first hand knowledge, don't pile on with opinions based on stuff "you heard". Realize your unsupported claims/comments could put you in a position for legal action for libel. (It also potentially exposes me as site owner) Lastly, when a vendor does the right thing, share that experience also. I learned a long time ago having an issue with a customer at some point in time is just doing business. It's how those differences are resolved that determines how the vendor should be judged.
  11. Please post parts wanted requests in the classified section.
  12. Parts wanted requests go in the classified section.
  13. Please post parts for sale in the Classified section, text only ads. Thank you
  14. Useful comments seem to have stopped...
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