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Hi all, last night I fired up the 47, through a jerry can in the trunk, idea was to go buy gas for car and lawn tractor.

I was going down my road, got about 2 miles, car starts the running low on gas dance, turn it around go home.

The gauge was reading just under a 1/4 tank, my gauge shows 1/8 of a tank when empty,(need to correct this).

So I am close to home, engine sounds fine, turn around and head back to gas station, car runs out of gas :eek: about 1 mile down the road.

This time it stops, I wait for the wife:mad: to come, and go get gas in the jerry can, I then put a few gallons of gas into the tank, the tank was run so dry I had to prime the car a couple of times to get the engine started to pump fuel back up, what a pain.

I will not allow my car to run dry again:o , I kinda wanted to see where empty was, I need to correct the gauge/sender unit, I did have a loose wire, on the gas gauge, tightend here, and the gas gauge withabout 2 gallons of gas dropped to just over 1/8 of a tank of gas.

I then drove back to the gas sation, bought more gas and the gauge is showing just under 3/4 as it should for the amount of gas I bought.

I wonder if my fuel pump may be going bad as well, the gas tank, and all the lines are brand new, show they should be fine, the carb is rebuilt, the fuel pump is old and not touched, it's the type without a glass bowl.

Now I am waitng for Don C and Tim Adams:D to tease me over this one......Fred


Running out of gas is part of the hobby, I try to run out of gas at least 3 times a month. I forgot to do it last month. I like the attention, usually I have a gallon of gas in the trunk. I have met some very nice people. I have also gotten alot of meals this way. The chicks are getting wise to it and now bring there own gas as part of there package:cool:

My fuel gauge is a little off however keep those wires tight and the float in good condition (cork type)


Running out of gas happens maybe more so today with the high cost we tend not to keep the tank full. I try to treat the 1/4 tank mark as empty and go for gas when I am at the 1/4 mark.

The chicks are getting wise to it and now bring there own gas as part of there package:cool:

Personally I never cared much for chicks with gas as I usually have enough to go around.......:rolleyes:


What the heck is a jerry can? Is it the same as a Wehrmachtskanister?

Personally I never cared much for chicks with gas as I usually have enough to go around.......:rolleyes:


What the heck is a jerry can? Is it the same as a Wehrmachtskanister?

A jerrycan or jerrican or jerry can is a robust fuel container made from pressed steel. It was designed to hold 20 litres of fuel.

The jerrycan was invented by the Germans during a secret project ordered by Hitler. The Germans called it the Wehrmachtskanister. The Germans had thousands of jerrycans stockpiled by 1939 in anticipation of war.[1]

Today similar designs are used for fuel and water containers, some of which are also produced in plastic. The designs usually emulate the original steel design and are still known as jerrycans, although they have also been called "jerryjugs" (or "jerry jugs", just as jerrycan is sometimes spelled as two words as well).

Phil :D



Where do you think I came mup with Wehrmachtskanister? You missed this part.

The history of the Jerrycan is notable[citation needed] because it was reverse engineered during World War II. The name of the jerrycan reveals its German origins (Jerry being a disparaging wartime name for Germany and Germans).[2]

[edit] American lack of interest

In 1939, an American engineer named Paul Pleiss had built a vehicle to journey to India with his German colleague. After building the car, they realized they didn't have any storage for emergency water. The German engineer had access to the stockpile of Jerrycans at Tempelhof Airport and just managed to take three. They drove across 11 national borders without incident until Field Marshal Goering sent a plane to take the engineer home. The German engineer compounded his treason by giving Pleiss complete specifications for the manufacture of the can. Pleiss continued on to Calcutta, put his car in storage, and flew back to Philadelphia.

Pleiss told American military officials about the can, but they ignored him. Without a sample, he realized he couldn't get anywhere. He eventually got the car shipped to New York by a roundabout method, and sent a can to Washington. The War Department decided instead to use the WWI ten-gallon can with two screw closures, which required both a wrench and funnel for pouring.

The one American jerrycan was sent to Camp Holabird, Maryland, where it was redesigned. It only retained the handles, size and shape. The weld was replaced with rolled seams, the lining was removed and it now required a wrench and a funnel.

The original design proved far superior and these fuel containers were subsequently used in all theatres of war around the world


I've been keeping my eyes open for a cheap one of these with a running board type mount to put on my pickup. I've got the cast iron bracket for a brass firefighting backpack that I could put on there too. It was on there when I got it. No backpack though :(


Here's my bracket and the backpack that should be with it.




Where do you think I came mup with Wehrmachtskanister? You missed this part.

Yup, you are correct, I missed that part. Sorry about that :-)



yeah they make red ones, and most of those are plastic. You wont ever see one that was used by the military, red. Today its either green or sand color. So while the clerk is griping at ya, just keep on filling. :D

And they also have yellow, for the diesel. And i believe its either blue or white for the water.


I thought yellow was for ethanol. This my understanding of the colour system. Red = gasoline (although gasoline may have 20% ethanol), green = diesel, blue = kerosene, yellow = ethanol (although ethanol may have 30% gasoline). What colour is waste oil supposed to be put into?

I've been keeping my eyes open for a cheap one of these with a running board type mount to put on my pickup. I've got the cast iron bracket for a brass firefighting backpack that I could put on there too. It was on there when I got it. No backpack though :(

We had one of those cans on the 1953 truck my grandfather had, I know it's around somewhere, it attched itself to the side of the truck.

Don is so smart , did you hear him spouting that history of the jerry can. All he needs is a bar called cheer's and a friend name "Norm":)



Don, "You been everywhere man", are you sure you haven't been to Kelekis Famous Hot Dog Restaurant, in the Winnipeg's North end.

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