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Just want to share my excitement. Today starts back to the 50s and my car is back together! (nothing like waiting to the last min) I put the dash back in tues night and spent 3 hours last night hooking things back up. When I had all the electrical stuff hooked up I put the battery on and everything worked first try. Hooked up a few other things like the choke cable and vrrrmmmm started right up. Hooked up a few more things to get loose parts off the floor and then hit the road. Went for a few mile jaunt on the freeway and everything seems good to go. I still have holes in the middle for the radio clock and ashtray but otherwise the dash looks great. It got too late to take a picture last night but I will today after work.


Last year was 11.5K+. You can never see all the cars. I registered in March and am already in the 3000s for my cars #. As always will take lots of pictures. Sounds like the weather is going to cooperate too. Low 80s and no rain all weekend


Just to wet your appetite a little here are my pics from previous years. You have to click on the year to get into the actual pics. Looks like Wayne and Lee are both going to attend so maybe will run into them. Its a big crowd to find someone in though.



Hey Ed I'll be down there on Saturday, do you know where you are going to park I might just have to drop on by.I've Never been able to go before and I'm very excited, the only problem is my plymouth is missing some pieces.



We'll most likely be in the big lot where the midway usually is. Got lots of people we're trying to meet up with so its going to be busy. Hope to see you there!


I didn't preregister for the show so I won't be having my Pilothouse on display but I'll be driving by sometime after 3:00 or so. I'm bringing my 5 year old granddaughter into town after a couple of overnights with grandma so we are using the Dodge as transportation.



Nice job except for that grille. Heck, I'd settle for good old satin black, can't even find the time to get that far.

I noticed this wagon in Ed's pictures of previous events.

Normspeed....you could go with some kinda wild paint next.:D


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