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Gonna move this thread to page 6 and need two post to do it. I want an explanation to Bob's saying about pigs with sticks in their mouths. See ya on page 6.

Must be going to rain, the pigs are carrying sticks in their mouths.....

Ever heard that expression????

Okay Bob, we are all wondering what your expression means and want an explanation. I got a feeling it will be pretty interesting. I've certainly never heard it before and I imagine a lot of other forum members haven't either.


Actually, I have no idea where that expression came from. I have heard it said jokingly about fellows smoking a cigar.......maybe it was just some local

person's humor. Have heard it on more than one occasion...although not recently. Could not find it any place on the internet under such headings as folk expressions or something similar. Didn't know if anyone else had ever heard it. Guess not!!!


Gonna move this thread to page 6 and need two post to do it. I want an explanation to Bob's saying about pigs with sticks in their mouths. See ya on page 6.

That's funny Robert, I'm on page 7 of this thread. You must have more posts per page. Is there a setting for that?



this should 6th post on page 7 , for me anyway. I think it's got something to with ''when pigs carry sticks ''.........hey,! We can use that for an excuse ! Like when something goes wrong, you can say........it's because'' the pigs are carrying sticks'' !


I had 16 post on page 7 before this one. I also checked my user preferences and it shows I have 40 posts per page. I don't seem to have a 50/page option. I can do the "default", 5,10,20,30,or 40 per page. :confused:



Found this on the net about pigs and sticks. Still doesn't explain why they would carry them in their mouth (except that's the only way they can carry anything) but it does validate the saying.


“When chickens scratch together,

There’s sure to be foul weather.”

“When pigs carry sticks,

The clouds will play tricks;

When they lie in the mud,

No fears of a flood.”

These are probably a good indicator that the humidity is increasing and may mean cloudy or rainy weather ahead.


That reminds me of a joke that my Dad used to tell.

Seems this farmer was trying to get rid of a pest of a cat. First he took it out in the woods, hoping it would wonder off somewhere else, but the next morning there it was, back in the barn. Then he took it into town with him and left it there before returning home. Then next morning, there it was again. Now he's getting mad, so he takes it out back and shoots it. Next morning, it's back in the barn again. Now he's had enough. He takes it our and chops it's head off. The next morning, it's back in the barn, carrying it's head in it's mouth. :rolleyes:

(I never said it was a funny joke)



Don't mess with pigs, I've heard they are the most intelligent animals in the planet.

Back to the weather, I wonder is the winter in the US hard this time, In Europe we skipped winter. Almost no snow in the Alps. In my country The Netherlands we only had a half day of snow. Average winter temp of 6.6C, normal it should be 3.3C. Only 1 day below freezing.

The good thing about global warming, you can work in the garage even in winter times.:D


I think........it's finally a normal winter, we have had some pretty mild winters in the last few years, I think it's just a shock to have a good old fashioned winter again. Be intresting to hear what the other guys say.


Larry, it's always an old fashioned winter here, bring on the global warming, I am sick of winter at this point, today it was a balmy 32 degrees here in my yard. It was a beautiful day, but winter nonetheless, in about 4 weeks spring should be on it's way. In Kansas and Missouri, you guys will have leaves on the trees in about 4 weeks, am I correct, think I remember travelling through your area years ago one April and think I remember the lilacs blooming. Here in Manitoba the lilacs don't bloom until about May 20 to June 10. We plant our gardens around May 15 to June 1st............Fred

Larry, it's always an old fashioned winter here, bring on the global warming, I am sick of winter at this point, today it was a balmy 32 degrees here in my yard. It was a beautiful day, but winter nonetheless, in about 4 weeks spring should be on it's way. In Kansas and Missouri, you guys will have leaves on the trees in about 4 weeks, am I correct, think I remember travelling through your area years ago one April and think I remember the lilacs blooming. Here in Manitoba the lilacs don't bloom until about May 20 to June 10. We plant our gardens around May 15 to June 1st............Fred

Fred, it gets depressing when you put it in those terms. I recall more times than not being snowed on on the May 24th long weekend :(

Like you, I've had about enough of this crap for this year. We are having a 50 degree weekend coming up, but a little more snow Monday:rolleyes:


Winter sucks at the best of times because you can't drive your old cars much. I have always believed you should never wish your time away as if goes by fast enough. However, when spring finally arrives I will welcome it with open arms and put some heat into my old flatheads by going for nice gentle cruises.


The big storm that came thru yesterday went around us, but left us today with some of that cold Northern air. 30's this morning, strong North wind , goin to get into low 20's next few nights. I agree ! THIS kinda weather really sucks ! I hate to admit it , but it makes me miss Texas, probabley only 70 today.


Five degrees this morning in this neck of the woods... 14" of new snow in the last four days.

I'm going to get my car out of hibernation snow or shine, gotta get crack'n if I'm gonna make it to Tulsa...



Pete I'll see your 14" in 4 days and raise you another 6! We are getting 16-20 between last night and tomorrow morning. ICK


Hey guys, I won't complain after hearing what you 2 are getting in your areas. We just got a dusting of snow in the last 2 days, it's about 30 degrees right now and overcast. But I have the garage at 55, just with one heater, if the other one was on it would go over 70 easily. Just finished painting my firewall, inner fender and front apron, rad frame etc. I am not happy with my finished product, it was dificult to prep and clean with the engine in and the front clip all together. At least it's painted and protecting the steel, if I evr pull the engine or the front clip(fenders and hood), I can sand it and do a proper job,I painted it satin black with Tremclad rust paint........Cheers and god bless the snow blower


No snow in s.w. MO. (kinda rhymes) Weather last few days real nice, little breezy. Now some front coming in from the northwest and temps dropping for the next 3 or 4 days.....then back to 50s and 60s. Kind of yo yo weather.

I need to do some things to the car prior to Tulsa trip, also. Just booked our room at a Ramada Inn at I44 and Harvard St.....$75 to start....after adding taxes, about $90 per night. Said they have an agreement with the civic center people that when an event is occuring downtown they do not give the senior citizen discount, or other discounts.

Winter sucks at the best of times because you can't drive your old cars much. I have always believed you should never wish your time away as if goes by fast enough. However, when spring finally arrives I will welcome it with open arms and put some heat into my old flatheads by going for nice gentle cruises.

Robert, we have to drive 800 miles to the Alps (including 100 miles of traffic jam) just to see some snow. And you guy's complain? You get it all for free in your own yard. All we have is drizzle rain from October to April and a cold.

Robert, we have to drive 800 miles to the Alps (including 100 miles of traffic jam) just to see some snow. And you guy's complain? You get it all for free in your own yard. All we have is drizzle rain from October to April and a cold.

I have to admit that, other than when it is actually snowing, we get LOTS of bright blue skies in winter. Usually that means it's cold as well but you learn to live with it.

Summer means alot of bright sunshine days, too.

I would find overcast and drizzle each day for months quite depressing I think.

Light snow here today, but ending this afternoon and forecast calls for 4 days of 50ish and bright sunshine :D. Nice break from the constant light snow.


Rocky, you mentioned the lilacs in an earlier post... I noticed today some of the lilacs here justing to bud out ! More than likely they will nipped by a frost yet, as it down to 30 every night . I posted this same thing the other day, but.... I think........... the pig got it !


Larry, lilacs are like flat head 6s there almost bullet proof. Hey lets face it lilacs will tolerate the winter here in Manitoba, and even further north than here, mother nature knows how to take care of it's own. Peaches and apricot trees, thats a different story, in Southern Ontario they grow Apples, apricots peaches, plum, pears, grapes, commercially, they have very mild winters as compared to Manitoba. the difference between Kansas and California, are like Manitoba and British Columbia (Vancouvers province)........It's very windy, sunny and about 25 here today, but the snow is drifting like crazy........Fred

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