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slightly OT - 1935 Dodge

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Does anybody know if Dodge removed the wood from it's car bodies by 1935? I came across a 4 door... I like the look, but don't want to deal with the wood.


On Plymouth there are a few pieces of wood screwed into the steel structure of the body here and there to provide tacking places for upholstery. And there is a wood insert in the roof. However the bodies on Plymouth are basically steel from 1930 on and the wood has no structural use.

If I recall correctly, Dodge pioneered "all steel" bodies in the 1920s before being acquired by Chrysler.

So, while I don't have specific information on the 1935 Dodge, I would be highly surprised if there were much wood in that car other than the top insert.

If you are getting a GM make car of that year, then you would have to worry about wood. But you aren't. :)


Yup...no wood in my 35 Dodge except for some Oak bars that help support the damn soft top. I say damn soft top only because I haven't found anyone to replace mine yet so I can't drive it in the winter.



Yeah man !! It was brutal here this morning. All the way down to 39. I nearly died of exposure taking photos outside.


He's Northern California Ed, winter is about 25 to 30 at night and 45 to 55 days, wish we had winter like this, it is only about 2 above here today


I don't think that counts as winter. I'd probably still be driving with the windows down!


You know it Man! We put the tops down in our Converts here when the snow starts to melt in spring, guess thats why were Canucks

Yup...no wood in my 35 Dodge except for some Oak bars that help support the damn soft top. I say damn soft top only because I haven't found anyone to replace mine yet so I can't drive it in the winter.


Reg, Try Atlas in California, the same people that make the interior kits. They also make tops. You can also try the Ford and Chevy vendors. The do sell repops for those through vendors. Maybe they can make one special for your car if you call. You could also do what a lot of the Ford and Chevy guys do. Weld in a piece of steel and make it an all steel top.

Yup...no wood in my 35 Dodge except for some Oak bars that help support the damn soft top. I say damn soft top only because I haven't found anyone to replace mine yet so I can't drive it in the winter.

If you don't care about the headliner and are willing to replace it too, then fixing the soft top is not too hard though there is a step (pressing it back in) that is easier with two people. Please note: The material on these tops is not installed the same way that the Model A Ford and most other period cars did it. You can find instructions on how to do it here:


You can get the rubberized fabric from most any antique auto supply.

And it is winter here in Northern California: It got down to 35F last night at my house here in Silicon Valley. Brrrrr!


And it is winter here in Northern California: It got down to 35F last night at my house here in Silicon Valley. Brrrrr!

:D :D Tod, 35 degrees is a nice high temperature for the day during winter around here. We really haven't hit what we call winter here. Was about 10 or 12 degrees this morning when I got up. High so far for the day is only about 22 degrees. There's usually lots of days we're lucky getting out of the single digits for a high temperature in December, January and February.


Guys - winter means below "0" and we have a few inches of snow on the ground today. I used to live in Thunder Bay and that's where winter really is. Our friends in Minnesota and Wisconsin can attest to that.


Ya we got about 1/2 foot of snow today. Now it seems like winter


We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday too. Then it turned to sleet and freezing rain on top of that, then just plain rain. Last I heard today it was about 38 degrees officially, (around 35 on my thermometer). Was a real mess out there cleaning that 6 inches of slush out of the driveway earlier today. Tomorrow it's only supposed to get up into the 20's.


Wellll.....sure hate to hear all this talk about winter. It was about 20 degrees in Joplin this morning with frost on the windshield, but this weekend it was real nice til just after noon on Sunday, when it got real cloudy, windy, rainy and temps began to drop quickly. Temps had been in the 60s, maybe up to 70.

We went to Branson with another couple to see a show or two and generally goof off. Stayed at the Ramada Inn, right next door to the Dick Clark Theater. Had toured the 1957 auto collection in the basement previously, but

customers can get a sneak peek thru a glass floor section in the lobby of

the theater. Went to the afternoon show which included the remnants of

Bill Hailey's Comets and some other entertainers.

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