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It's The Holiday Season - Don't Forget (OT)

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First of all, I want to wish everyone a Happy and safe Holiday Season.

It's easy to get caught up in the season shopping and planning, then forget that there are others less fortunate than us. It would be great while out shopping for gifts and food if we all remembered to just buy one extra item for them. You don't need to have a specific charity to donate the gift or food to. It's easy. Most grocery stores have a barrel or basket at the door for you to drop some type of can goods, etc. So, when shopping I'm sure we can all afford at least a couple of cans extra to drop in that barrel on our way out of the store.

Also, lets not forget the small kids out there living in shelter homes (like for battered women), foster homes, and those whose parents just can't afford to buy a toy for them. Doesn't have to be an expensive toy. Again, if we can afford to buy car parts, etc. for a hobby car, I'm sure we can all afford at least one toy that cost between $5 and $15 to donate to one of these unfortunate kids. These are easy to donate too, either through you church, Toys for Tots, etc. If you don't know who to donate it too, just call a local church or local TV station and they will normally have a list. Some churches like the one we attend has a "Giving Tree". Then as you just pick an item off that tree, buy it, wrap it and take it back to church. They are gifts that some little unfortunate kid wished for. Then the church simply makes up a tag for the tree with no name, just an age group and sex of the kid so you can buy the item. It's all anonymous because you do not put your name on the tag, just what the item is for.

Or, just write a check to one of these groups to do it with.

I'm sure a lot of us already do this, but for those that don't you are missing out on the good feelings you get when you make some family or child's Christmas just a little more joyous. It's what the season is all about, not just the gifts for us under our own trees on Christmas morning. It's even more fun than working on or driving our old cars/trucks.


Very well put Norm. Our team at work instead of exchanging gifts as we have before is putting the money into toys to give away. I'll be spending 3 hours sorting toys for tots next week too. This will be my 3rd year of that and its a good time. So far no one has taken me up on my dare of calling one of the marines there GIJoe. :D


Norm..good call for Christmas...great to think of the kids..however I have seen some of them battered women..some are injuries from the old man just protecting himself...not always cut and dry and the man's fault..some of these gals are real brawlers...just wanted to throw that out there..


Great point, Norm.

I'm all about helping kids. That's why I work with the Ride for Kids program and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. If you have any extra money after giving food and toys to those unfortunate children, you can always donate the rest to another worth while cause. You can always make a do the Pediactic Brain Tumor Foundation through me at http://firstgiving.com/merle08

Sorry, I couldn't help but to jump on the band wagon. I have no shame when trying to help these kids that are battling the deadliest of all childhood cancers.

Happy Holidays,


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