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Just looking for some information about "life time" spark plugs. Number 14-10. I have never seen anything like these.

No way to gap them.



Posted (edited)

https://books.google.com/books?id=390DAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA43&lpg=PA43&dq=frank+e+williams+lifetime+spark+plug&source=bl&ots=VUZSt4Cmrq&sig=ACfU3U0X-s8VAGiMgFjBbC_C7BqLqTkPEw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2-6yU7-LqAhWQTt8KHbj_BcwQ6AEwAnoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=frank e williams lifetime spark plug&f=true


Took another 20 years for most major manufacturers to start using copper and platinum-nickel electrodes in automotive plugs out of necessity due to increased time spent at high freeway speeds.

(An ad from 1 year earlier called the electrode a platinum-nickel alloy rather than "platonium")


Of course some of the snake oil parts they've pushed many times over the years.




Edited by 50mech
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Posted (edited)

Ahahaha!...."so simple a woman can understand it"

Wonder if Geico considered that slogan?

Edited by 50mech

Oh!................"look dear heres a car repair book written just for you", I said..........she said...."WACK"...............I said....."sorry dear", "yes dear"....."3 bags filled dear".....maybe I won't mention this advert to SWMBO...........lol..............andyd 

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I remember lots of those ads!

But back to spark plugs.

There wasn't much special about those "Lifetime" plugs. Most manufacturers make surface gap plugs even today.

However, (and I should not mention this) there was a brand of plug that was very different and actually worked.

It was a pre-chamber type with ports that put a swirl to the flame front.

During the 1950s I was into Quarter Midgets (before the Go-Kart craze) that used a Clinton engine.

These spark plugs really made my race car come alive!

I've been watching eBay for years trying to find NOS plugs for a couple of my cars.

I've managed to collect their booklets and size charts but no plugs.

They were advertised under two banners but they were the same brand.

Jet Ignition or Jet Ignitor

I remember seeing "Fire Injectors" as well but I am not sure they were the same.

The company was based in New York state and was disbanded in 1965.

If you run into any let me know!

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