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OT We had a little rain today......

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.....and it added up big time. Actually had a fair amount of rain over the last several days, and things have just kept building. On my lunch hour today I was trying to get to a certain auto supply.....but had to take a long way around.


There were a couple vehicles out in the street with water up to their windows. Businesses around that section were evacuated, including a local business college.

That lake on the right is usually a city parkway area with walking track. A big ol drainage ditch runs along one side, but obviously not big enough.


Creeks and rivers all over the 3 state area are very high and have closed several roads. And there may be more rain yet this week. Now, some of those rivers cross old Rt 66, where we want to drive on Thursday to get to Tulsa. Am going to try and find out what's closed and what's open between now and then. Could probably go on the interstate with no problem, except the 75 mph speed limit vs the 55 or 60 mph speed of the car. I really don't want to drive on the interstate if I can avoid it.

Ah, the best laid plans...............


Funny thing about all this paved area we humand seem to need to have. The rain jsut don't seem to soak into it very well. It has to runn off the roofs, then run off the pavement then into the creeks that can't handle the sudden surge. If any does fall onto the ground, it is so hrd it usually just acts like more pavement. Throw in a couple of clogged drainage grated and a few down logs in the creek an you got some real problems.


Bob, you're making me feel guilty for our perfect weather. It's been in the upper 70's to lower 80's with quite low humidity/dew points for the past few days. And they're saying it'll be here for a few more days. It seems that there is a high pressure center that is stuck over us causing this nice weather, but it's also causing the low to be stuck by you causing all the rain.

If I could help you I would. But until then, I'll just keep enjoying what we have. ;)


Bob, you're making me feel guilty for our perfect weather. It's been in the upper 70's to lower 80's with quite low humidity/dew points for the past few days. And they're saying it'll be here for a few more days. It seems that there is a high pressure center that is stuck over us causing this nice weather, but it's also causing the low to be stuck by you causing all the rain.

If I could help you I would. But until then, I'll just keep enjoying what we have. ;)


Merle is right. We're having great weather up here this week. I'm a little closer to the lake than he is and our temperature is slightly lower, so it even feels better. This is our reward for putting up with all the cold weather in the winter.:D Living near the lake is nice. Keeps you a little cooler in the summer and a little warmer in the winter. Think it also keeps a lot of the real bad storms away because most of them sort of split and go either north or south of me.:P

Bob, keep dry. Maybe it's time for you to get out the Duck Shoes.:D

Were having some great weather here also. Right now it is 102 and on Thursday they say it will be 106 and stay this way until the 26th when it is going to start to get warm at 113.


Sorry Dennis, I don't call that great weather at all. I call that just down right too HOT!!:P


when you got up at 2AM..sure hope you were going home...who in their right mind gets up at that hour? Used to be my going to bed time.

I am sure your's is a dry heat..until we got our rain and it got muggy humid...the temp was up but was very tolerable...however my grass is now green for really the first time this year...and the trees are not moving around chasing the dogs...

Were having some great weather here also. Right now it is 102 and on Thursday they say it will be 106 and stay this way until the 26th when it is going to start to get warm at 113.


I will call your 106 with zero humidity and raise you with 90 and 90% humidity any day. 106 with no humidity feels cooler than it is here. If you break sweat at 106 with no humidity it evaporates before it drips on your glasses causing temporary blindness.

Tim. I get up at 2 am every day. That is why I can't wait till I retire, 55 days.



Chances are even after you retire you will be waking up at 2 AM every day via your internal alarm clock. From the 60's to the mid 90's I got up via alarm clock at about 5 or 5:30 AM every day. Stopped using the alarm when it broke in the mid 90's (think my wife broke it because she hated it). Never did replace it because I really didn't need to get up that early anymore. Could just let my wifes do the job that was set for about 6 or 6:30 AM. However, to this day I still get up between 5 and 5:30 AM via the internal alarm clock. Guess it's hard to break old habits.:rolleyes:

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