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old cars ran on ethinol why now so many issue


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Ok here is a question for the entire forum members.

There was a picture of some old gas station posted several weeks ago. In one of the pictures that I have attached is a station where there are two cars from the mid 30's and the attendent is fillign the cars with gas that has grain alochol mixed with the gas.

My question is if these old cars then when in production were running on grain alchol enhanced fuel then why do we have issues now with running our old cars on this same product?. Yese we do not know the percentage that was being used then but they had more natural rubber product back then and now we have better rubber and diaphrams and rubber products.

Anyone want to provide some good discussiions on this topic.



Edited by desoto1939
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Yes and they did not have big agra bussiness behind them way back when. They had some fuel in California many years ago that would eat your rubber goods away and they got rid of that and now its another mountain to climb and get this fuel situation under control.

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Real latex gum based rubber is fairly stable in the presence of alcohol. Synthetic rubber not so much.

All the fuel when I lived out west was at least E10, and I had to change gas lines on my motorcycle yearly, before I did two things different... Transmission line seems to be alcohol resistant, and a bit of 2 stroke oil mixed into the fuel seems to negate the drying effect of alcohol on rubber/plastic carburetor parts. ATF in the fuel worked just as well, my 1998 motorcycle still runs original issue stock soft parts in the carburetor.

Experiment, hose is cheap. Just for fun I've been soaking an old fuel pump in modern gas to see what happens... nothing, nada, zero zip zilch. It still pumps, unlike the cheapy versions for my 318 that fail within 3 months, and they are supposedly built for modern ethanol blends. The pump I'm soaking is from no later than 1974...

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Ok here is a question for the entire forum members.

There was a picture of some old gas station posted several weeks ago. In one of the pictures that I have attached is a station where there are two cars from the mid 30's and the attendent is fillign the cars with gas that has grain alochol mixed with the gas.

My question is if these old cars then when in production were running on grain alchol enhanced fuel then why do we have issues now with running our old cars on this same product?. Yese we do not know the percentage that was being used then but they had more natural rubber product back then and now we have better rubber and diaphrams and rubber products.

Anyone want to provide some good discussiions on this topic.

the corn was also different back then too. they didn't have GMO crops like they do now.

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Yes and they did not have big agra bussiness behind them way back when. They had some fuel in California many years ago that would eat your rubber goods away and they got rid of that and now its another mountain to climb and get this fuel situation under control.

That was Big Oil's oxidant, MTBE. Compared to MTBE, ethanol is nothing.

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:Dlook closely at the pic, it shows 10% i agree todays rubber componets are not up to par with the old stuff,,,,,like the saying they dont make um like they use too,,

I recently chased a fuel related problem on my barracuda,,,took advice from some one that " knows" i should have gone with my gut,,,but any way the problem ended up being junk in the gas,,what was it ?? know one knows,,was lots of tiny black particles,,,and grit,,,tried to sift the gas thru cheese cloth, the cloth kept turning black,, i flushed the entire fuel system,,,removed the tank,,ETC,, fresh gas runs fine,,,now i have about 7 gallons of gas im trying to figure out what to do with,,,how and where to get rid of it,,,maybe ill kill the weeds with it this spring

Edited by fstfish66
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