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some of the better sources are probably just around the corner from you...most shops that work hevy equipment reline brake shoes all the time..you can carry your set in and get them cleaned up and relined for reasonable amount compared to the mail order shoes cost..check your local area yellow pages..do you know folks actively working on old cars in your area, ask them, someone will surely know if this option is available to you in your area..even your parts counter man man know if this is done locally..


I looked in my thermoid brake catalog and here is what you need

Front Brake lining riverted # 1106 10 inches drum with 2 inches thickness 3/16 lenth 10 1/2 inches 4 pices need 32 rivets rivet sixe 4-5

back brake #1213 10 inch drum with 2 inches 3/16 thick lenth 9 5/8 two these and 2 of 10 1/2 inche lenth rivet sixe 4-5 need 36 rivets.

If you look on ebay you might find these listed by the brake numbers the lining number are standard across all brands.

Rich Hartung


I also have all of this information from two major brake manufacture. i have copied the catalogs onto CD disks. Good reference to have for future use also has master cyclinder and wheel cylinder and brake hoes and other brake connectors listed. Covers from 37-57 cars and trucks.

Contact me if interested.

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