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New Tires on Dolly Dodge


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I got new tires for my truck on Friday. The store had 12, 7.00 X 15 LT tubless tires in stock. Only 4 had the same tread though, so I got them. I thought for sure I would need to order tires. Anyway they are the same size as came off the truck. I decided I needed new tires when chunks of rubber started flying of the 35 plus year old tires that were on the beast. It amazed me but those old tires were flat as could be when I started working on the truck a little over a year ago and once aired up they have held air. I am still amazed at that. The spare tire went flat and wouldn't hold air so I got a new tube for it. I also attached a picture of my old dog in the truck, she is 16 and a couple months. she looks good in the old truck





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Lookin' good.

I remember when I went to pick up my truck (when I bought it) I was supprised to see the tires all aired up. I asked the guy if he had just aired them up before I got there. He said that's just how they were when he got the truck a year earlier. He never touched the tires. I worked on the truck for almost 2 years before I dismounted the tires to paint the rims and mount new rubber and they were still holding up the truck just fine. I don't know how old those tires were, but they had been on there a long time. It had 7.00x15 mud & snow tires on the back and 6.50x15's up front. I don't believe they were originals but they may have been at 47k farm miles.


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thanks for the comments on my old truck and my mutt. Razer face, I am kind of where you are with your old dog, mine has had some sick spells and we thought she wasn't going to make it, but she rallied. I figure she won't be around another year either 16 isn't long enough, that thought just kills me. But I am glad she got to make it long enough for some rides in my old beast. Frank, thanks for noticing my dogs eyes. As old and slow as she is I still see the sparkle in her eyes. I brought my truck to work today, her first offical commute!!! I agree with Merle those old tires were really something.

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An old dog and an old truck...a winning combo all the way. Looks great, especially with the scenery. I was just up there last weekend....backpack trip to Horton Lake. I'll try to post pics on here when I get them off the camera.

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I am in no way trying to make anyone mad or show off here. In the first picture, if you look at the rear tire theres only dirt on the center section of the tire. Some tire shops just put whatever pressure it states on the tire but thats at rated capacity. When running empty it doesnt let the whole tread width come in contact with the pavement. It also wears out the middle of the tread faster. Mabey it's just the way the pictures look, but it's something to look at.

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John, next time you are up here stop by and come see my old truck :) I hope Horton Lakes was nice. I was up in the Whites Mon and Tues on crooked creek.

Will do, and sure did! The scenery is very enamoring. Next time I make it over that way I will have a new tranny in my truck and won't have to rent a car to get over there.

Haven't been to the Whites yet....but heard there's some really old bristle cone pine groves up there. Are they considered to be in Great Basin? ...Must feel a world apart from the Sierras yet only 15 miles apart.

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John: the whites are very different and they, and the Bristlecones, are part of the GB. I like going in the whites because there are less people. The area is much dryer. One can still get to areas over 12,000feet easily. Whit Mtn Peak is over 14. There are lots of small stringers and meadows. It is a really pretty area.

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