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Hey you Guys south of the 49th, what has been happening, I have never seen this much snow in the USA, on the NOAA Snow map.

I think the winter Olympics Venue should be changed, Atlanta would be the best Choice..................PS in my part of Canada, we have less snow than normal, aint the temps have been fairly decent, can hardly wait til spring though


I like snow storms but I've just about had it for now. You guys need it up there for the Olympics.

Hope all is well with you Joe, about this time of year ,I am sick of winter already bring on the melt.

An Native Canadian Man told me the other day he spotted crows in the area, we usually don't see them till early to mid March, he is predicting an early spring for here, we shall see, not holding my breath on that one........


I am willing to donate all of the snow in my yard for the Olympic Games in Vancouver. They just need to come on down and pick it up. I'm sure that most of my neighbours would be willing to donate theirs too. :D

Posted (edited)

Welll...you dang northerners got your wish..I have what looks like maybe just a tad less than 2 inches of snow...is 27 degrees...hopefeully it will not be like this next year..yesterday I got my Hardy heater, H25 model..pick it up first part of March..

picture is about half of the snow..


Edited by Tim Adams

Last night on the news they said that right now 49 out of 50 states have snow on the ground. That seems pretty amazing. Hawaii is the only hold out. I hope RobertKB is having a good time there. Maybe he should have brought some snow with him so we could have complete coverage. ;)


Welll...you dang northerners got your wish..I have what looks like maybe just a tad less than 2 inches of snow...is 27 degrees...hopefeully it will not be like this next year..yesterday I got my Hardy heater, H25 model..pick it up first part of March..

picture is about half of the snow..

Thats nothing good for the grass and farmers fields, your snow is probably melted already..............


Fred..normally I would agree with you but we are beyond saturation here with this winters rains..it has by far been the wettest I have seen, my neighbor has lived here allhis life and never recall this much water...this is the first year I have ever had water standing in my orchard..I have what appears to be a natural spring weeping in one section off to the middle of the property..

Farmers..have had lots of difficutly getting the cotton crops in..they were still running the pickers as of last week..that equipment is super heavy and bogging is a major concern..

I am waiting for the orange growers to cry foul along with the peach farmer...I am sure they want to start their price raise early as they tend to do..folks know that before the tree is in budd, the best crop is after a nice cold snap in winter..anything to get Charlies's last dollar...


Tim, for sure high moisture does not agree with fruit trees, molds and blights can then infest trees.

Up here is the same thing, the last 2 spring and summers, even falls have been very wet, had standing water here and there in yards. Our saving grace this past season was a very warm dry Septemeber, ripened the crops real nice, the summer was lousy, vegatables well below par.

It has been a milder winter, more along the lines of Chicago or Omaha weather here, still cold, but very little -30 stuff.

My septic tank pill switch went 2 weeks ago, and the tank filled darn near to the top, before I realized it, so septic tank truck comes over to pumup it. The septic Guy told me, this year in our area had more frozen septic fileds and tanks then ever, because of hih ground moisture, and no snow in the beginning of winter, wehn we had cold snaps.

I always worry about my feild till March every year, a frozen filed is no fun. Up here mine is 7 to 8 feet in the ground, the collar is about 5 feet long or more.......Fred


My yard this morning, as you can see kids live snow, but the older I get the less I like it, can hardly wait for spring.........



Everyone knows that cow farts and old cars are at least part of the problem.

Time to park the 'ol girl and get on a rabbit food diet........Drat!

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