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Mark your calendars! Saturday April 18th is the big day. Tim Adams and both

of his wives have invited several old car folks for a tire kicking, wrench

turning, garage tour at his place in Southern, Georgia. Lisa and I will be

headed his way in my Plymouth. As Tim says drive your old car, new car,

helicopter, train, boat, bus, motorcycle, bicycle, or unicycle to get there.

I am sure he will be sending directions. Having attended his last big party

I can only tell you it will be worth your while. Follow this link for pictures

of the last Adams Party held in 2006. Hard to believe it has been 3 years.




that beared guy in the Easter shirt is yours truly..it matches my pastel nature...you ain't getting to me big guy....lol

Seriously..those who are close enough to attend..would love to see you here...and for those who think they want to travel the even longer distance..come on..just give me a heads up so we can have ample chow...

we be in the middle of a home remodel but hey..that is just slowing me down..not anyone else...will roll the SUN analyser out in the yard if not raining..


nah Norm..I am only asking they excuse the disarray while here...I am seriously behind on this project..my son-in-law is now shipped out..he was a tremendous help..am doing most of this singlehanded..my cars are on the back burner till I get the house back on line...removing main sill beams from a 100 year old house, replacing all floor and ceiling joist..eats up time, money, time and by the way, did I mention it eats up time...

So Tim' date=' you plan on putting everyone to work on your remodeling projects when they get there?:D[/quote']


I believe he will put everyone to work EXCEPT you. He wants it done right.:cool:



I would love to be there but I will be in Austin Texas for the Lone Star Roundup. So enjoy the party with out me this time but I look forward to the next one.

Have fun!!!



I would love to be there but I will be in Austin Texas for the Lone Star Roundup. So enjoy the party with out me this time but I look forward to the next one.

Have fun!!!



Were you able to fix your engine mis-fire issues? Have a fun, safe trip and post lotsa pictures.


Were you able to fix your engine mis-fire issues? Have a fun, safe trip and post lotsa pictures.

Somehow it got fixed:confused:

I fooled around with it one day and it runs good now. I adjusted the timing, inspected the wires, cap and rotor and the only thing I found was the points had a bit of white powder on them and I was told that after 28,000 miles I got my life out of them.

I still didn't change them...what an idiot:rolleyes:

I will keep you posted.



WOW!!! Tim. You are replacing both floor and ceiling joists?

That sounds like a wee bit of work. Plus, like you said, that

will take some time.

I wish you well. And, be careful.


yes I am...and it has been a trip..I have had to be very creative jacking and shuring up the house as I move along from area to area..The major construction work is behind me now...and am close to finishing the upstairs drywall..then the fun of tape mud and sanding comes into play...I will be happy when this is done...I have carried just shy of 6 ton of C&D to the landfill...

Spent today cleaning the yard a bit for the big egg hunt..hid at least 300 eggs...kids running everywhere...

Am clearing two bays in the barn in case of foul weather for this weekend get together...the lift bay will be open and the Sun machine...other than that..the shop is full of building material yet..


Hey a friend taught me a short cut for the sanding deal. After you do the finish mud, go over the seam or spots with a wet sponge. The sponge will remove a lot of the excess and level it as well. Cuts the sanding and dust by close to half, maybe more if you get good at it.


Greg..come on down this wekend..feed ya good...you can show me the technique with the sponge..I have only done tecture work using a sponge on drywall..mudding is not my speciality...well, guess nothing is my speciality but I do this least well...lol



The key to patching the seams and screw/nail depressions of the drywall is having a good mix of plaster, a high quality trowel and a light hand when floating the trowel. Don't use the fast drying plaster, use slow drying plaster that you mix yourself. That way you have lots of time to play with it before it starts to set. Learned that from my father who had his own plastering business when the houses actually had plaster walls.

We didn't use a sponge to wet the plaster to smooth it. Just took a brush, dipped it in water, then splattered the water from the brush onto the wall (brush never hits the plaster), just the water droplets. Then keep your trowel clean, keep dipping it in a bucket of water as you trowel it out (don't dry off trowel). Do this along with the light touch when troweling and you won't need to sand. Also, don't hook your trowel when troweling.

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