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Everything posted by jpartington

  1. So it seems that Hurd is the one
  2. I looked through your links and did not notice any keys. Ok maybe I'll see if I can find a Hurd key
  3. Any body know what the oe style key looks like? I would like to get one but have found a couple different options just wondering which is correct? Is it either of these?
  4. I put my finger over the inlet of the pump and felt the suction so this would imply that the pump is working correct? but I suppose it may not be strong enough? I guess I'll have to try to get a pressure tester and see what it does. But I think I'm the meantime I'll try hooking it back up and see if it spits out fuel now with the lines all blown out
  5. Ya I definitely don't know if that is an issue, I just want to know if that is a possible problem.
  6. So is it possible for it to fall off? And could I reconect it?
  7. I blew out all the fuel lines last night and all of them are clear. Hopefully tonight I can get a chance to see if the pump is working. Another question, the connection to the fuel tank seems pretty high, is there a pickup line inside the tank?
  8. The switch that is in the truck is after market, it was replaced by a PO. And I would like a stock one. The door lock I'm not sure what's going on there, it looks as though it has been drilled out or something. A piece of square stock is actually used to unlock it lol
  9. Does anyone ever come across ignition switches or door locks while pickin?
  10. i got some time to work on the truck tonight so update on the fuel system. I took line off at fuel pump no gas there so I know that the line from pump to carb is not the issue. There is a union in the line near the gas tank. I took that apart and had fuel come out there. So with a relatively quick inspection all fuel lines seem to be ok. Next time I work on it, I will try putting some air in the tank to make sure there is plenty of flow coming out (because not a ton came out when I opened the line, but could be because I didn't get the end down low enough) then I will try to do some tests on the pump itself. And thank you for the fuel routing threads
  11. Can anyone explain to me or show me pictures of the stock fuel line routing. I'm going to replace all of my line I have highly doubt that the route that it takes now is the original routing.
  12. Ok cool I measured mine and came up with 5/16 I just wanted to verify that it was correct and hadn't been replaced with a different size by a previous owner Thank you
  13. What size should the fuel line be?
  14. I'm not worried I got suggestions/answers so I'm happy thank you everyone.
  15. Well plymouthy I guess time is more easy to come by for you. I work all day then go home and hang out with my family. I don't go home and read manuals, I really dont spend any time on the truck unless it's the weekend, but not every weekend. We lead very busy lives. And while I'm at work it is easy to just make a post on here and wait for an answer. Especially since I don't need the answer immediately. But thank you for your concern.
  16. Yup I have the repair manual, I just like to use the expertise of the forum. Plus maybe some of you have had the same issue and can help me out with my issue now.
  17. As posted above no fuel came out with the open ended line, and when I plugged it and cranked then unplugged it a little gas squirt out.
  18. I have not investigated anymore then what I stated above. Just figured I would come here because everyone also has such good suggestions. Thanks for the replies I will try to dig into it some more
  19. So I replaced my battery cables with some bigger ones now, and had time to exchange the battery. Now the starter turns over perfectly and the battery holds a charge. But now new issue. They only way I can get it to start now is by putting gas in the carb. After it starts it stays running but if I shut it off it will not start on its own. I pulled the fuel line off the carb and had my wife hit the starter. No gas shot out of the line. When I put my finger over the gas line and she hit the starter again it built a little pressure, I pulled my finger off and a little gas shot out. Does the fuel system has to be sealed to get gas to come out of the line? Or is this a sign that there is something wrong with my fuel pump?
  20. Met Mark and FEF yesterday. Had a great time at the 50's. Thanks Mark for all the info and allowing me to take a close look at your truck. Also for the parts. It was great to meet you.
  21. Ok cool thanks for the info. There is a 65 on eBay right now I'm going to try to snatch up
  22. Are both of these models compatible with the fresh air option? Are the heaters in the picture yours? Would you sell one?
  23. What model master heater would be right for my 52 b3d?
  24. Maybe I misunderstood, I'm not sure on that then.
  25. So are you referring to the differential cover? If so isn't the 11th bolt would be the lowest bolt? It is halfway in between 2 of the normally spaced bolts. I believe this is just a drain bolt. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.
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