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Everything posted by jpartington

  1. Thanks for all the replys. I was able to get some pictures posted. I put them in the "lets see pics of your trucks" thread. For anyone that is interested.
  2. Sorry about the rotation of some of the pictures, for some reason I could not get a few of them to the right way. And it also told me that the picture of the front end is too large so I will have to try again a different day.
  3. Figured out how to add pictures. Here is my little blue truck 1952 b3d Grain box with hydraulic lift
  4. Yes that would make sense, I don't have an oil filter How about how to add pictures?
  5. On a separate note. I have been trying to figure out how to add pictures of my truck so I can share it with everyone, but I can not figure it out. Could anyone help me with this?
  6. Ok, mine just has a manual shut off valve. And what about the black cylinder behind the coil? I don't have that either. What is it?
  7. I have more questions about a few things I saw on the same truck. So also for the heater the shut off valve did not look standard, it was kind of a "y" type fitting, wondering about that. And also on the other side of the motor there was a black cylinder on the back side of the coil (closer to the firewall) mine does not have this, what is it?
  8. Was this option available for the 52's? I don't want to put anything on it that was not offered for my model
  9. O gee thanks, ya I am pretty new to these trucks I don't see a lot of them, so I am mainly familiar with my 52
  10. That is pretty cool am I able to get one of those for my truck or probably not?
  11. Yes that was the one. Is it yours? Thank you for the response
  12. I was at mopars in the park this last weekend and seen something I haven't seen before. Wondering if anyone can help me out with it. It was on a 49 or 50 I think, but it was a good size hose coming from the center of the heater and it went up into the grill.
  13. Ok I guess that's the obvious answer I didn't know if it would say it on there or not I've been away from the truck all day so just figured I would ask
  14. I had to drop a little gas in the carb to get the truck started the other day and noticed that some gas leaked out of the carb when I put gas in. I would like to do a carb rebuild but am not sure which kit to buy. I found a carter carb rebuild kit and a stromberg rebuild how do I know which to buy?
  15. I have rewired the whole truck to match the factory wiring diagram. So that must mean it should be positive ground
  16. What would be required to change it? How would I know if I should have positive or negative ground
  17. Another question. I have the battery wired for positive ground, per the wiring diagram. But should it actually be negative ground?
  18. Cables should be here today I think. After I get them built and installed I will get the battery replaced and see if all is good. If not then I will look into the starter. Just have to make it through Easter then I'll start working on it again.
  19. I will also be exchanging the battery just have not had time yet
  20. Perfect thank you for the advice. I did order my news cables today so they should be here soon. I also was able to get the truck started tonight with a bigger charger. Once truck was running, I let it run for awhile trying to let it charge. The generater is brand new, so I could see the ammeter go up when I pushed the gas pedal. But as soon as I shut the truck off and try to start it again, the battery was completely dead. Does this imply that my generater is not charging the battery. Or the battery is just so far gone that it is not charging off the generater?
  21. I have not upgraded the cables yet I am planning to do it soon, just got very busy. I also am having a hard time finding some of the connectors to build my own cables. On a side note I have the ground of the battery grounded at the bottom starter bolt, would this be a problem? I will try to get those readings and repot back. Thanks for the replys
  22. Whoops coil not cool
  23. How could I test the cool to make sure it's working and also the starter?
  24. 52 b3d, I have a brand new battery, it's fully charged. I put it in the truck and try to start it. It cranks strong for a couple of seconds then quickly dies and fails to start the truck. The only way the truck will start is when it's on the charger. All the wiring in the truck is brand new, the generator and the voltage regulater are all brand new. What could be my issue? Almost seems like there is something else taking a big draw on the battery.
  25. No recent overhaul
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