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Everything posted by jpartington

  1. Another question just out of curiousity I have called around and found that it is cheaper to buy a new rebuilt generator then having mine rebuilt, if the generator is bad and I do end up buying a different one, I have read that I may have to match up some numbers from the old one to get a new one. Is this true?
  2. Also I have replaced all the wiring in that system already.
  3. So even though we manually closed the circuit breaker and the generator charged the system, the generator could still be the problem?
  4. I have a 52 b-3-d and it is not charging the battery. I believe it is a regulator issue. With the cover off the regulator and the truck running, I could not get the circuit breaker to close. But when we manually closed the circuit it did make the generator work, and the battery did charge. What could be wrong?
  5. Someone was selling it on ebay
  6. It is a 4 speed. And also the gear that I purchased is 15 tooth not 14.
  7. How many teeth is that gear supposed to have? 14 or 15? The one that was in the truck had 15 but it didn't look like the right one for the truck. I put in a new one with 15 teeth and now the speedo at least works but it doesn't read my speed accurately, I know I'm going faster then it tells me I am. So I'm wondering if it really should only have 14 teeth on it. Does anyone know?
  8. I pulled out the gear drive on the transmission and it looks like the piece on the gear drive that would receive the squared end of the speedo cable is missing. So I believe putting in a new gear drive will fix the issue.
  9. Thank I will try to do that today
  10. The speedo on my 52 b-3-d does not work. Only thing I have done so far is I disconnected the cable at both ends and twisted the cable inside the casing. It spun on the other side too, so I know the cable is not snapped. What other tests can I do to figure out the issue? What are some of the problems that could cause if not to work?
  11. I found where it is supposed to come out. Thanks everyone for the help
  12. I hope so I'll clean it all up tomorrow and see if I can see it thank you
  13. I looked around on the steering box and shaft and could not locate any hole where a wire might come out. If it's not to much trouble would anyone be able to post a picture of this so I can see the location on the box that it comes out of?
  14. Thank you for the reply, I do have this wiring diagram already, I am wondering where the wire that comes from the horn button comes out of the steering column at?
  15. I just purchased a 52 b-3-d. I'm am starting rewire it, because the wiring in it is a mess. I am working on getting horn working. I can't find anywhere under the hood where one of the wires goes to the horn button. I took off the horn ring and pulled it out. The wire attached to the horn button is cut off inside the steering column. So I am wondering if anyone knows where the wire from the horn button comes out of the steering shaft? Any input would be appreciated
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