Late 2011, ran fine, parked for the winter nap.
Replaced squared o-ring under oil pump cover without pump removal.
Coil wire off, plugs out. Could not get oil pressure to build up with several attempts. Probably less stress on all the bearings just cranking without oil pressure as opposed to running the engine without oil pressure, but I was not comfortable cranking it any more.
Pulled pump, filled with oil, installed pump without disturbing distributor position, or at least I think it was not disturbed. Engine was not disturbed during this time.
Cranked the engine, got oil pressure to build.
Coil connected, plugs installed. Cranking the engine resulted in some popping through the carb.
When looking at the rotor, with the pointer on the painted line on the damper, it appeared to be past the # 1 plug wire terminal.
I moved the all the wires one terminal, and cranked the engine while trying different distributor positions. Results varied from carb pop to nothing.
The battery was put back on the charger.
The engine was turned by hand to line up the pointer to the painted timing line on the damper. The wires were returned to their previous positions. Pulled the oil pump, lined the slot up with the mounting bolt, turned it one gear tooth ccw per manual instructions, moved rotor to point in the approximate position of the #1 plug wire terminal, taped it there, and gently reinstalled the oil pump.
I disconnected the vacuum line at the dist. so I would not have to fight with it. Lined the pointer up on the damper. Installed the inline spark light on the # 1 plug wire. Turned the dist full clockwise, then ccw several times watching as the light flashed when the points opened. I then went full clockwise and ccw once again, slowly, and tightened the bolt after the flash.
I continue to get popping in the carb, and does not fire up.
I put the battery on the charger some more, and pulled the car over onto the lawn to sit overnight. I had rolled the car out of the garage. I had no desire to burn the garage down, and thought I would get the car started.
I thought it may be flooded from all the cranking, but I am still puzzled by the popping in the carb.
I can give the battery a bit of help with my 12V jump pack, but I don't think that is the issue at this point. I was hoping to get one more season out of the battery, but this is putting a lot of stress on it.
Suggestions? Something wrong with the approach I have described?