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Lou Earle

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Everything posted by Lou Earle

  1. Going to be putting orginal engien in my 34 - a 201 Does anyone know if the 40's flywheel will interchange ? Lou
  2. In checking the manual the 53 hydrive lubrication system is mated or a part of the whoeloiling system for the engine. Have you changed oil lately? It take 10 quarts of oil to change it according to the service manual. I would suggest that if you are using a multivoscity oil you change back to straight 30 wt hd. This might help
  3. couple of things - sounds like over under spring has been moved a bit - that is the hesitation on return and poping probably. 2- make sure you are using right fluid in the trans - it might use 10 wt oil if it has been changed reciently I would bet that is problem als o getting cooler and if you have wrong thick oil in there it will cause shifting problems. Will go over other things when you get here next week Lou
  4. Come take a look at a couple of my 12 to 1500 bucks paint jobs - They are just nice for a daily driver and if you spend a little time getting her ready it will be very good Lou
  5. On my 48 2 door with rear seat coupe, 2 door sedan, and convert- measured all at ss steel beltline strip - measured under belt line - ALL are 43 inches Lou
  6. Good time and great food not to mention great friends. Weather was just perfect and so was the food. Tims 54 is coming along nicely. We figured out the meaning of daily driver- get it to where you can drive it on and off the lift every day !! or on and off the trailer every day!! I is going to be a stunning car Lou
  7. I buy a lot from berinie - his prices are to me very competitive and he has lots of stuff not in his catalog. However his rubber products are no the quality of Steele products. I would not order rubber from him again if I could avoid it. Lou
  8. would a dodge 48 work?
  9. I put it in and run the thing about 30 to 50 miles then drain It realy does seem to help Lou
  10. Also I have used calgonite or electra sol dishwasher powder- a cup intheh radiator- to remove crud and it works very well I think it has a lot of de greasing agents that help. Lou
  11. You can remove the heater hoses and try somehow attaching a hose from your water faucer to the backside a reverse flushing it I have blown out a lot of crud that way. Lou
  12. To get a 12 volt starter in your 6 volt car simply take your starter to any good starter/generator shop and have them replace the field coils with 12 volt coils. I have done this on several starters and generators. works great Lou
  13. The starter gear or clutch ios the same 46 thru55 on all plyms and dodges. The motor might be different(some are smaller in diameter- much easier to install) but they all interchange. Lou
  14. I have had 3 cars I bought all with 8 volt batteries in them.Changed to 6 volt and either cleaned and repaired ORIGINAL battery solenoid/starter cables or replaced them with welding leads mad up as cables by local shop here.That alone made the starter spin faster- up to normal- on all of the cars. New points plugs condenser clean the rotor tip re set timing and none have problems starting. I would not go to 8 volt until all the above has been done. Besides if all above is done and u still go to 8 volt you will have a solid system. Your light will burn out faster and I am not sure but if you have radio watch out. Lout
  15. Lucas is a very reputable supplier of lubes and sealers. If they make a lube sealer I would try it. I would not put any brake fluid in there might make it to thin. I have seen many a real end leaking around the bolts etc and some Lucas has stopped that. Also you might just want to run it a bit - like 50 miles park it get your wife's cookie sheet place it under the trans and see what u really have in leakdom. Ps buy her 2 new ones- that way u get what u want oil catcher and a lot of cookies! Lou
  16. CLAYBILL----- What part of "cash in hand only" do you not understand." If I by a ways off I send certified funds and buyer waits 10 or mor days. If I buy locally I pay cash. All the rest is nothing but u being worried if he will get offended if you isnist on cash- if he does then inthe words of whoever - screw him keep the property.
  17. Thanks for All the input. All things considered I went with steel lines with a in line filter in the line underneath the car between 2 sections of pipe. I had not thought about the suction and new gas issues. Thanks again you all put me on right track --again. Lou
  18. Found 10 weight non detergent in the Tractor Supply co store- 16 bucks a gallon with tax. Will be doing some flushing and hunting for leaks soon Lou
  19. As you all know I have gotten a hold of a 53 Chrysler 4 door and I have asked some OT questions. Thanks for all the help. I have managed to create a leak in the power steering system . I will be tracing that soon but not right now. However I find that the 53 Chrysler and the 54 Plymouth both use 10 weight oil in steering and Chrysler in the trans! So here is the a little bit OT question Where can I get 10 w oil? Or, what is a suitable substitute? Lou
  20. My 46 coupe with overdrive stock engine and rear get about23-24-mpg at 55- 50 and 20 at 70. Lou
  21. I am repairing and re-doing fuel line on 48 plym with chevy 350 engine. Is there any particular reason I should not just run a rubber line - besides expense from the gas tank to the fuel pump? On the one the guy before me had put in he has a rubber line from fuel pump to the rear spring area on passenger side. where he or I had messed up was running a steel line to the rubber line and it being to close to drive shaft and not properly supported. But why shouldn't I spice that rubber line to another rubber line and run it to the gas tank? Lou
  22. what fluid are u using in trans.? It is getting colder and a heavy fluid can really slow things down and might cause some noise Lou
  23. remember if yor sure it is a fuel problem check your ignition. Bad points will do the same thing. Lou
  24. Be careful- some of those switches operated by interupting a ground wire- I found out the hard way on a 48 ford. Lou
  25. Maybe was just shocked to see my savings go up in shipping. the order was about235 and shipping was 29 bucks
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