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Lou Earle

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Everything posted by Lou Earle

  1. Friend caled me yesterday- he has located a 50 nash rambler in a barn been there since 52 he was told. He said looked like overhead engien 4 cyl to him -Anyone know about these bathtubs? Anyone want it? Lou
  2. I have one of those Do you happen to know what car and yeasrs that was used? Lou
  3. Got it fixed but in the proces checked out the fuse in my 46 coupe and the taxi(taxi had blown fuse ) by running them 10 minutes. I discovered that the fuse and their encasements get very very hot- has anyone else tried to touch one after running lights 10 or 15 minutes? My lazar temp tester says they both are at about 150degrees and holding steady. I think this is normal-- is it? Anyway I have a couple of relays for 6 volt headlights that mount under the hood. What do you all think about putting one of those on or is there any need? The real problem was that the little holder of the fuse which pushes into the other fixture had not( my fault) been turned completely into the notched area and I suspect that it was loose heated up and bang presto chazzzm as Gomer would say no lights!! Lou
  4. Driving home in 48 taxi last night just a mile from home headlight tailights etc ALL went out on us 441 north a trucking busy route. I was essentially helpless- had a hunch it was fuse pulled it and guess what - could not see it blown. Had no flashlight - had left it in another car. Limped home - just waited until road clear and drove the last mile slowly. pulling over when I saw headlights either way. This am checked the fuse - looks good but test revieled it was bad. So will be hunitng a short today and 1- put a flashlight in every car 2 put an extra fuse in each car- these are long fuses and sometimes hard to find in stores- I already had bought 10 fuses. 3 probably make up some light I can attach to battery and hang out front in a pinch. Just a word of warning- get those wierd fuses and have one i car Lou
  5. I know that seems high but I have been checking for other rubber products and they all are thru the roof. I guess the price of rubber has skyrocketed. Lou
  6. on a 49 calddilac I swithced motors from 6 to 12 volt. Almost any auto electric shop should have a motor you cna adapt- I just had to make the housing attachments larger. you can use yoru same fan- the motors anre available in various shaft sizes. good luck for instance: http://www.3rivers.net/~cmac/cmac16.htm
  7. I got a hold of another 48 plym 4 door with nova clip and a327 vette engiene. At first I thought a had an answer to the national fuel problem- It seemed that it was creating oil in the oil pan- However Tim infomed me that since i could light the oil with a match more than likely it was busted diaphram in the fuel pump. I was wrong he was right --- drats!!! Here is the problem: I cannot get the rod that pushes the fuel pump lever to stay up in the engine so that I can slip the new fuel pump lever into the block. I thought about staying at a holliday inn-- but don't think that will help. I tried putting grease,axle, onto the rod but it just will not stay up far enough. My plan is to put grease can in the freezer overnight and put the cold grease on the rod to see if it holds it up. Anyone else got any other things i might try. Lou
  8. I have a 46 coupe stock engine and OD trans. I run it regally on 100 to 150 mile round trips to Macon Ga and Hazlehurst Ga from Dublin Ga fairly flat just some hills. the overdrive works great - at 70-75 mph on interstate it averages 19-20 mpg and if I keep it under 65 about 23/24 and I have gotten 26 at 50. To me if your going to run thees babes over 50 and for any distance overdrive is very nice - The engine is not screaming and it just seems more relaxed to me . My 48 taxi and 48 dodge have standard trans and it is a bit noisy at 60 but 95 percent of the time I am driving them in town under 45 or 50 So I would go with Asche'ss in a heartbeat again Lou
  9. Usually any generator starter rebuild shop will have a wide pully many fork lifts etc still use wide pullys. Any junk yourd will also have them Lou
  10. You can use the same starter as far a 6 volt vs 12 volt is concerned. If you want to you can have the fields in your 6 volt changed by any local generatro shop to 12 volt -not really necessary but some like to have 12 volt fields. Lou
  11. New chrysler owner has a bad drivers side hinge on his 50 chrysler - anyone know where he can get one or what else will fit? Lou
  12. Got the 48 p 15 taxicab going with the Asche Dodge engine dual ex had intake shaved head cam etc. Hooked to a standard trans. When driving I have a vibration at various speeds and none at 60 one at about 45 and it seems to vary some. Not a violent vibration and you kinda go thru it and when at 60 none. I am not sure I got the drive shaft in the correct way is that an indication of it being wrong? Lou
  13. Don you said "On my engine the vacuum advance is not close to the oil fill pipe or the starter." And your pic proves it. I wonder if your engine being longer than my meager 230's and 218's have anything to do with it. My dist sits at the same angle as your s but just goes a little behind the tube and my tube on both 48's that I looked at are the same way. I do not have camera here to get a pic. Again your vacuum position seems right at least in relation to how mine look Lou
  14. You mentioned hitting oil breather pipe-the vacuum advance should go behind the breather pipe easily- I suspect the pipe is not properly installed and or wrong pipe is being used. When pipe is installed correctly the open part of the breather should be facing the rear or the engine is it doing that? Lou
  15. wasn't thatthe chrysler/ghia?
  16. First a new oil filter would be a msut for me. I would use the cheapest 30 wt oil right now and drive it or rum the engien an hour or so then change it again to whatever you choose. I like 10 15 or20/40 in new rebuilds and 20 /50 in older broken in or worn engines .
  17. What u might do is get something like they tag merchandise with - a clear plastic pocket and glue it to the door frame and slip the tag into it. I know it is not orginl but it would work
  18. When I go to start the 48 Dodge the starter gears meshing with the ring gear sound like they are clashing have a grinding noise- Anyone been there e done that? I do not see that the Dodge or plym starters or gears are any j different are they? Lou
  19. lead will make no difference. My view is the same as Tim's I would rather hear the valves a bit rather than replace burned ones!! slight ticking at warm up is not at all unusual- and probably caused by valve clearance just a tad off to the safety side no ticking and vale setting is to close and get burned valves. As to lead additive no need these engines already have hardened valve seats. You can add some Marvel mystery oil to the gas - I do about every 3rd tank - a quart to a tank- I think it just helps keep thing - mainly the upper block lubed a bit and it does In my experience burn right thru and I think it lubes some. Lou
  20. My 48 plym convertible has a wooden bow in the works, Mine is somewhat rotted and sagging- anyone know where I can get a reproduction one?/ Lou
  21. Getting my 78 jag underway and found that when I let off the gas at around 60 the car or wheels seem to shift to the right as if you turned the wheel a bit- I cal it darting- any explanation? Possibly shocks? Loosy goosy front end? Just put on new tire but also notice it on old tires all help appreciated Lou
  22. That plug really looks like bad timing to me be sure the gap is right on the plug- 35 I believe. I run r 45's and they do well Also run that car 5 miles then check the plugs when hot Lou
  23. You said "'48 starts fine and runs well, other than a bit of a rich indication on the plugs." If you mean soot on plugs that usually indicates timing is off not fuel problem. she is firing either early or late- and the gas is not getting completely burned. Lou
  24. I know I must alter a driveshaft to fit the overdrive in a 50 fastback- 2 door sedan- but does anyone know if I must modify the floorpan? Lou
  25. I have the same meter Hook the positive side to the battery pos or somewhere on the block/engine attach the neg to the POS-YesPOs side of coil leading to the distributor. Remember the neg side of coil is attached to the ignition switch.Mine works great that way lou
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