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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. I spent a little time today having fun! But I still couldn't find any D-25 ads or D-24 bizzy ads, sorry.
  2. For James:D
  3. More DeSoto
  4. Oh, Canada...
  5. mismash
  6. Chrysler
  7. Plymouth
  8. 3 More Sorry they can't be read.
  9. Norm's right Brian, don't dwell too much, it hurts. What was the first or best car advice he gave you? That is priceless. Gotta be a good skinned knuckle story in there somewhere.
  10. My d-24 sedan more door had nothing but hoses, no hard lines. I wonder which is which.
  11. For total reliability you should put a SBC in it nothing is better! Small block chrysler that is...
  12. Lotsa polara, fury and coronet cop cars in the movies, even some monacos, it's got cop shocks,cop engine and a half a tank of gas....we're on a mission.
  13. 3 years only for me, still sucks. Dad loved cars and grandad too. Still have the SK-Warner sets that belonged to both of them....will pass them on.
  14. Ramon, how did you do that!!!! And more pictures please!
  15. On the blue truck, what are those siver rounds on the tailgate for?
  16. Nice shroud! Probably the last thing that you expected to hear:D
  17. You don't have to say your sorry, it was my lame humor that started it.....so is a vinegar eater a sour puss? lol.
  18. Joe, if you drop a Mentos/candy/breath mint into a 2 liter bottle of pop a violent reaction occurs and the pop geysers many feet in the air, saw it on mythbusters...wonder what it would do to your stomach?
  19. Just teasing oleskool...didn't really understand your version that is all, hard for me to read. We try not to be confrontational here, this isn't the hamb and I won't jerk your chain anymore. PS what is a vinegar eater?
  20. Spell check.............
  21. I thought it was a fur lined jacket on an Eskimo...LOL:D
  22. The wife has been trying to fit me with a leash for years, I mean a cell phone:D They seem to not last long with me...always getting wet or breaking:rolleyes:
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