Jon, thanks for the compliment, it means alot. Using the dakota floor will sit the truck as low as you see mine in my avatar if you match it up with the stock floor. I like low, so it is good with me. The dakota floor only goes back to the drivers seat area, so it is kinda half and half (half dakota and half pilothouse floor). This made it so I could use the front mounts on the dakota floor, but had to manufacture rear mounts on the body (I used stock frame mounts from the dakota in the stock locations). I also had to radius the wheel house areas as the tires hit the cab. All in all, not a hard job, but from your last post, maybe more than you want to do. You may be better off using the stock floor and making some new mounts. The first gen Dakotas are your best choice, the frame has a great place to do the shortening. THe earlier dakotas also have 5 lug wheels, mine (91) has 6 lug wheels, but the old Dodge 15' hubcaps snap right on the stock wheels, so it's all good.