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46CoupeSD last won the day on April 20 2015

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Fairfax, Virginia
  • My Project Cars
    1946 P15C Business Coupe


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    Big Blue

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  1. That's my fear... they incorrectly wired this calling into question the entire wiring job...
  2. I don't think they changed the switch/key slot - the key still goes in "teeth up."
  3. Hello everyone, I recently had a mechanic rewire my (mostly original and stock) 6v 1946 Special Deluxe. Prior to dropping it off at the mechanic, I would turn the ignition key clockwise and then push the starter button on the dash. This would engage the starter and allow the car to start. Now, after it has been rewired with a new harness, turning the key clockwise only powers the accessories (such as headlights). The key needs to be turned counterclockwise in order to engage the starter. Prior to this I didn't even know the key was able to turn counterclockwise. Which is correct? I can't seem to find an answer on this anywhere in the forum or in my shop manual, and this seems to be the incorrect way to have it wired. Thanks!
  4. Hey everyone, I was at the Fairfax Station Railway Museum, and they are selling a "1949 Dodge Power Wagon Southern Railway signal maintenance truck" model in their gift shop. More information is located here: http://www.fairfax-station.org/powerwagon.html. When I saw it there, all of the members of the forum came to mind! Now, if only they had a P15 model... Hopefully posting this isn't against the rules of the forum!
  5. Nope, just my parents! Both are USAF vets, and I doubt my father ever did any acting.
  6. Plymouths and Parents? I think this one is from the Late 1970s. And how about Plymouths and Grandparents? This one is from 1993. Old photos and family stories make these cars even more special.
  7. Has anyone ever had luck with Wiperman? I've emailed him twice over the past few months (no response), and whenever I call the phone line is busy.
  8. Thanks for your help everyone! Rich, I'll send you a PM shortly. This is what I was most concerned about. I have/had the wiper arm labeled "original" above, and still have a few blades left for them in a box somewhere. However, if they're difficult to source blades for, I'd probably rather have the easier style. Ultimately though, I'd like to stay "points correct" if possible.
  9. Good afternoon everyone, I lost one of my wiper arms in a storm a little while back (1946 Special Deluxe Business Coupe), and am having a heck of a time trying to find the correct replacement part. Pictures of my one remaining wiper arm are located here: http://imgur.com/a/nPymK According to pages 414-415 of the 1936-1948 Master Parts List, the correct part numbers for my car would be 1232611 (right side) and 123612 (left side). The only problem is there doesn't seem to be a specific picture of these exact parts within the manual - the book only shows a generic/unlabeled wiper arm. I have found a pair for sale on ebay that claim to be the correct part numbers, but they do not match the arm that I lost or my remaining wiper arm. The photo below with the boxes are the ones for sale on ebay. On the sale listing, they are identified as Part No.s 123611 and 123612, which is supposedly the correct part number for my car. According to another photo that I have (from Wayfarerstranger here on the forum), these wiper arms are actually not the original style, but are labeled as "snap in style." Does anyone know which wiper arm style is correct for this car? There just seems like there's so much variation, and I want to get it right before I purchase anything. Thanks for your help!
  10. Here she is in all of her dirty glory! Stock/original engine in my '46 business coupe. She runs like a charm, and people at shows always seem to comment on how quietly she idles.
  11. Greg speaks of hantavirus - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hantavirus I spent a summer catching/tagging/releasing small rodents for ecology research, and was terribly afraid of catching it while cleaning our live-traps. OSHA would not have been happy...
  12. File Name: 1946 Advertisement - It's Plymouth for Performance File Submitter: 46CoupeSD File Submitted: 01 Oct 2015 File Category: Marketing Brochures Advertisement from 1946 detailing Plymouth performance features Click here to download this file
  13. 22 downloads

    Advertisement from 1946 detailing Plymouth performance features
  14. Sorry to hear that Jim. Still keeping in the hobby? One of my favorite stories to tell at cruise-ins/car shows is how you nonchalantly asked me if I wanted to turn my battery's polarity around when we tuned up the '46. Get's a hoot every time!
  15. No wonder that "poison ivy" didn't affect you - it's Virginia creeper! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenocissus_quinquefolia Beautiful color on that P15!
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