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Everything posted by Grandadeo

  1. Ain't life good in the Slow Lane! Don Henley
  2. Is the car missing a couple of grille teeth too? Lee
  3. Shel, ya went an spilled the beans. Norm thought it was the real deal. Lee
  4. Maybe Norm was trying to sneak it past the forum "unwanted word blocker." It sounds a whole lot more exotic when you say Holden and, as a matter of fact I guess, down there it is a Holden. Lee
  5. Uh, Uh, Mr. Kotter, pick me, pick me, I know what it is. Is that fact that it's from "down south" too vague a hint. Lee
  6. Knowing Rick, I figured he would have towed you at about 70 MPH laughing all the way. Bet you guys are going to have a lot of fun with this project. What was it's original color? Lee
  7. I will need them for a '53.
  8. Wondered if anyone has bought replacement floor panels from this Ebay vendor: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/REAR-FLOOR-PANS-PLYMOUTH-1953-54-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem200288756835QQitemZ200288756835QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories His feedback looks good and the prices seem resonable. Lee
  9. So, Farmer Boy, what you gone and got yourself into this time? Looks like a neat toy. Tim says he wants one too. I just have a few questions: 1) That thang gunna have a HEMI? 2) Are you and Rick going to name it Alice? I'd think that one over a bit, you might both be sleeping in the double wide. 3) What you boys plannin on cultivatin? Here's a few links that I came up with doing a Allis Chalmers WD google search: I don't think this one is up for a youtube award but it shows a lot of close-up detail' http://allis-chalmers.magnify.net/video/allis-chalmers-wd-1951-walk-aro Some how this one reaches into the future and shows you and Rick hard at it in a few years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ6OY9cjzI4 A-C WD Pics http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/5936428 More A-C WD Pics. http://www.tractorhouse.com/listings/detail.aspx?OHID=5427390&GUID=1e3c1c551f0c4ee88efe5c894eef2bbd You two have fun now, ya hear. Lee
  10. Didn't you do that to yourself one time Norm? I know my brother Ted almost did with a crow bar trying to fix a motor mount. Lee
  11. Robin. I know what you're saying. But my recollection of "the day" was that for most, but not all, primer was a means to an end or goal – paint. Lee
  12. Thanks for posting it Tony. Seen it before but sure enjoyed it all over again. Interesting, no primer or tatoos "back in the day." Lee
  13. Can't wait to see the pix. Got any snow there? We didn't get any yet but I did have to close the windows a few nights. Dang Global Warming. Your other Bud
  14. Right now Norm's probably on Hotels.com searcing for the Magic Motel in his area. Lee
  15. Hope you saved room for our niece in there. Lee
  16. There's my windshield. Have to get my son who's on HAMB to pm him. Lee
  17. Then you live just up the coast from me in Sebastian. Lee
  18. So that was You Comin in to Los Angeleez, Bringin in a couple of keys. Lee
  19. I guess it will sell, what with the price of scrap metal these days and all. Lee
  20. So is anybody going besides me? If any of you make it, my swap meet space is Yellow Field #9-298. We'll be there Friday and Saturday. Not sure about Sunday. About half the vendors clear out Saturday afternoon. Stop by and have a coke on me and rest a spell. Lee
  21. Sweeet! Lee
  22. Well you could at least get a shed! Lee http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1942480/why_men_have_sheds/
  23. Watch out Christian, he probably wants to cut the fins off the '58 and weld them on the back of an old Dodge roadster body. Lee
  24. When you're up there look out for those Giant Gila Monsters, not to mention the speed crazed teenage hot rodders and their hopped up jalopies. Lee
  25. Bet it's not the same without Rusty at point. But I'm sure Tommy is picking up the slack. Lee PS: '53 Belvedere Windshields and Model A Roadster Parts. Not too subliminal I guess.
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