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Everything posted by Grandadeo

  1. G&G Mopars in Colton, CA (909-825-1231) ask for Bob or Ernie. Tony C. told Normspeed and I about it last year. We went and got the 50 cent tour. LOTS of stuff. Lee
  2. Norm, looks like Tommy's is March 7th. It's always the first Saturday of the month. PM me your mailing address again. Lee
  3. You can blame Normspeed for me being here. I belong to too many forums, just ask my wife. She just doesn't get this computer thing. Lee
  4. Hum, sounds like I better start making preps for a guest. Have to let Ardun know he's having guests too. Think about registering for Billetproof in Ocala on March 21st. My plans are to be there for Saturday, stay over night in Ocala, and then go to a Ford Barn meet up there on Sunday. The Billetproof meet has a 600 car cut off and I figure they must be getting close to that now. It's being held at the Don Garlit's Museum. Went last year and it was pretty KQQL. Tommy will be there with a swap meet space. Lee
  5. Maybe they'll market a fiat topolino with a Hemi in it. Of course it's already been done - several times. http://ghmiv.com/cgi-bin/07/image.pl?/photo/contrib/hourie/pic1017.jpg http://ghmiv.com/cgi-bin/06/image.pl?/show/06/stl/stl016.jpg Lee
  6. Show it to Rick. It would work in the desert, right?
  7. Hey guys, just a point of clarification. It's the Grand National Roadster show, formerly held in Oakland then San Fran. Moved to Pomona 4 or 5 years ago. Not to be confused with the LA Roadster's Show and Swap Meet held on Father's Day weekend in June and put on by the LA Roadsters car club. Tony - unfortunately Billy Gibbons is not a personal friend. But I'm sure you do know him. Belongs to a little old band out of TX. Plays a mean electric guitar, has a really long beard and loves hot rods. Still, if you see him tell him Lee said hi. Lee
  8. This is where I buy my wide white radials. Very satisfied customer. Lee http://www.widewhitewalltires.com/
  9. Norm, I think Tony is talking about the GNRS next week, the winter show. Good your you Tony. A bunch of Florida boy's will be there spectating, friends of Norm and I. They're flying out. Hummm, wonder what plane tickets are going for. Say hi to Billy Gibbons for me. Lee
  10. Never fear, Norm graduated from the Artie Johnson Driving School. Lee
  11. Hey buddy, I'll trade ya projects. I'm replacing the complete floor in my 1961 Shasta. Then it's going down the road. Lee
  12. Hey, glad to see you got cleared to post. As you can see the guys have already been commenting on your car. Great bunch here and I'm sure they will be happy to answer questions, etc. so jump on in. Lee
  13. Or the S...omething hits the fan. Lee
  14. I keep looking, but I think you're going to trip over an old Dodge roadster body where you are now.
  15. I just posted the link to here over on his H.A.M.B. thread hope he comes on over and shares the story. Lee
  16. I think I see the Kosher Burrito down there on the left! Yum Yum. Lee
  17. Retired nuclear power plant quality assurance auditor. At least for the last 15 of my 32 years with an electric utility. If you turn off the lights where you're sitting these words will GLOW IN THE DARK
  18. Tony, please go into El Lay at Rampart and Beverly to the original Tommy's and have a big sloppy one for me and Norm. We're having withdrawals. Lee
  19. Norm, hope you enjoyed the movie. I didn't make it all the way through it, that's why I missed your call. When I heard the message this morning I quickly hand cranked the computer to check out your new find. Those front wheels sure look good. With all the parts from the new find you should have one mighty nice looking ride for the next parade in town. But I guess in Deming you don't have to wait for a parade. I'm sure you can just drive her into town to the hardware or feed store and no one will give you a second look. Gotta love Alice wanting some nice yard art and all. Wondering, do they do good tuck and roll jobs south of the border in your neck of the woods? Lee
  20. Norm you have to put a rear view mirror on it so you can hang a shrunken head on it. Check your PMs. Lee
  21. Maybe with a little trial and error you could cover the chevy valve covers as Norm was saying with something like a pair of Poly valve covers. Lee
  22. Everybody knows that one belongs to Howard Cunningham. Lee
  23. You down size the house - not the garage. I know a guy from down here that said he was moving to a "Car Guy Development." It was in the Lenoir, NC area up in the Blue Ridge Mtns. Everyone was into old cars according to him. I don't think they had a common garage clubhouse or anything like that, but it sure sounds like the place to be. Home owners Associations are as bad as the bylaws allow. If there's a rule some old goat will be trying to enforce it. I have stayed clear of them for that reason. I abide by the local county ordinances and life is good. Oops - what's this got to do with TX. Sorry. Lee
  24. I'm with Norm, well not really. But I agree with Norm and Fireball. The side and rear view of that coupe are right on. To quote the guys when they started work on Cadzilla - "Your tourch or mine." Lee
  25. Hey, I've got one of those Florida Mtns just up the street from me. And I have climbed Mt. Dora. Lee
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