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Charlie Stephenson

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About Charlie Stephenson

  • Birthday 05/20/1945

Contact Methods

  • MSN
  • Biography
    68 yrs. old built 32 ford pick up when I was 14 yrs old
  • Occupation
    Retired Steamfitter UA local 33, 47 Years as of 9/2017

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Des Moines, IA. 50310
  • Interests
    34 and 33 Plymouth. 1997 3500 HD crew cab, long bed, dully Chevy, 7.4, 4l80E tranny, Dana 80 third member, 3 4 drop, converted to single rear wheels, led lighting, chrome air dam. an more. One 34 is a original car, the other is powered by an old 392 with 6 110 blower carbureted, 727 O.D. tranny, 1971 locker third member. The 33 is an original car driving it. The other 34 is also a original car driving it. Engines on hand 3 201's 2 230's 2 251's 3 265 Spitfires's 1 331 Molly block, 5 392's V8 Hemi's. B 4 YX 4 Ton Dodge 1952 T 413.16? ci 4 Ton 5th Wheel.
  • My Project Cars
    1 1934 Plymouth PE 2 Door HEMI +. 1 1934 PE 2 Door complete & driving Original Car. One 1933 PD aluminum head complete & driving original car. B 4 YX fifth wheel tractor, B 3 RA, B 3 RX, 2 377's , 1 331's.


  • Location
    Des Moines, Ia.,
  • Interests

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  1. need one out side door handle

  2. Very nice. Charlie Stephenson
  3. I spoke with Brian (BJS) last week.  Now he is saying he only has one 413 and it is in his hauler but Rose still says he will never sell his spare?  Still looking for a 413 I can buy.  Charlie Stephenson

  4. Woodsy, your twin 25 Carb/Exhaust is the nicest one I've seen in my 5 year unsuccessful search for one of my own. My Fresh 265 would be happy show them under the hood of my 1934 Plymouth PE Deluxe. I have a empty wood shipping crate that I wood be willing to ship to you. Inside the crate you would find a Freight allowed return label with a financial consideration of your liking for the assembly. Would you report on the condition of the Heat riser Baffles to us? Charlie Stephenson Charlie Stephenson
  5. This is where I done business before Great, reliable. USA based, old family business. https://egge.com/info/catalog/ Charlie Stephenson This is good reading https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJwFwbsNgCAUAMDYGieworGGB_IdwS0AeUoialATxveuH-hGgRcbQVTJOjexpoJlGEVCiNqAlo41PqugDV9RI4K1uIx7KpncqeJViz9jIv573uqP7H-eRBjp&q=hemi+performance+australia&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS616US616&oq=hemi+performance+Austrialia&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i13i175i199j0i8i13i30.24070j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Charlie Stephenson
  6. This is the one I found a few years ago --- very interesting. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJwFwbsNgCAUAMDYGieworGGB_IdwS0AeUoialATxveuH-hGgRcbQVTJOjexpoJlGEVCiNqAlo41PqugDV9RI4K1uIx7KpncqeJViz9jIv573uqP7H-eRBjp&q=hemi+performance+australia&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS616US616&oq=hemi+performance+Austrialia&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i13i175i199j0i8i13i30.24070j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 . Charlie Stephenson spoke with them on the phone $$$$$ but never bought any thing. Wild stuff out there. I think 1-336-352-4866 hot hemi heads can speak of them. Hot Hemi Heads is a great source for V8 parts imho.
  7. deep pockets (right hand drive) https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/dodge-265-hemi-straight-6.184740/ . Charlie Stephenson
  8. try this. https://www.aussiespeedshop.com/product-category/hemi-chrysler-6-cylinder/ Not an endorsement. Charlie Stephenson
  9. bushing clearance of .001 over factory specifications = .050 of an inch less throw out bearing travel (not scientifically calculated) yes, you need an arbor made to fit the copper bushing and an arbor press to install the copper bushings... IMHO Charlie Stephenson
  10. charlesj123@msn.com I see you have a 55. Do you know anyone who knows the where-a-bouts of a 55-56-57 Big Dodge Truck, Tug Boat, Fire Truck --- that has a 413.16 flathead 6 engine complete or vehicle with the engine complete doesn't have to run just complete? Can be a restoration or a retro candidate. Charlie Stephenson
  11. Chuck at "Electric Motors" in Iowa, USA --- in the past rewound a brush type DC motor for me. Let me know. Charlie Stephenson
  12. factory set of plug wires? Charlie Stephenson
  13. hi puma?? Charlie Stephenson
  14. must be a COE thing? Charlie Stephenson
  15. you mint try a temporary maintainable fix = cork the joint using oakum (Plumbers soil pipe joint rope) or cooking cotton string taped into the space (crack) where the stamped oil dipstick tube base is spot welded to the pan. You mint try this while you are deciding to remove the pan. Charlie Stephenson
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