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Everything posted by casper50

  1. Mine doesn't have the chrome strips on the door panels but is the same otherwise.
  2. Yep. But at $150 for the alt instead of $47 he could save a bunch if he needs to change the gen for an alt.
  3. Rich I bought my alternator from this guy for $47 + shipping. I did have to buy the wide pulley from him also for $15. http://www.ebay.com/itm/6-VOLT-ONE-WIRE-POSITIVE-GROUND-ALTERNATOR-/131400218211?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item1e98103663
  4. I think I'm going to use these. http://www.ebay.com/itm/161248014609?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  5. I'm looking for a 47 dodge coupe trunk lid.
  6. no state inspection for one. The other is some cars didn't come with seatbelts, turn signals and other safety equipment that are required today. Keeps the tickets away.
  7. http://www.baronbob.com/fuzzy-danglers.htm
  8. Welcome J-P. You're English is fine don't sweat it. Photos of your cars are welcome.
  9. I believe that's the sexiest grill I've ever seen. wow.
  10. I own a 47 Dodge.
  11. The parts book should have a exploded diagram.
  12. Strange year weather wise. I live in Alaska and we have no snow on the ground. It's been no lower than 40 + for the last 4 days.
  13. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1311.R1.TR4.TRC0.A0.H0.Xsun+distrib&_nkw=sun+distributor+tester&_sacat=0 there you go.
  14. now now boys no comparing lengths. Put back where they come from. lol
  15. I have about that many as well. Pick them up at garage sales.
  16. use all of your extensions and borrow everyone you can find on the block.
  17. sorry wrong post
  18. They came with positive ground. It could have been switched or it could be connected wrong.
  19. yes. Used some 1" square tubing and a couple of heavy duty castors. Wanted to use some boat trailer rollers but couldn't find any around here.
  20. I made it. The hoops are from huge wire spools. The rest I made with metal that I bought. modified these plans. http://redwingsteelworksplans.com/free-rotisserie-plans/free-body-lift-and-roller-plans/
  21. Found a local guy that can do the machine work on my flatty. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to take it to Anchorage. Got the body mounted on the hoop rotisserie tonight.
  22. I got very lucky and mine is almost new. Popped right out whole and rust free.
  23. I did as jayson said. lifted both ends a little at a time and my rockers are not solid. I did weld in bracing before I took out the mounting bolts.
  24. If you've never seen them before that should answer your question of if they are needed. lol
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