Good question, never checked if it was 3 or 4 spd, the guy i got the truck from had already pulled it and just got the trans the other day. Let me check it out.
Hi, i have what i believe is a 52 Pilot house trans, bellhousing, clutch, converter. It is pretty much complete from the motor to the driveline coupler. i have no use for it and was wondering if someone here could use it before i take it down for scrap. Let me know, Mike
Yes mine has a Volare front clip(i listened to a buddy and took out the stock but never again) so everything fits good, had to recess the firewall 3" though.
Difference between off and on road is if it fails on the street and you get into an accident the lawyers will be all over you. off road the most likely person to get injured is you unless something freak like king of the hammer a few years ago. My kids build crawlers and jeep speed cars plus work on a few class 1 cars.
When you weld something like this you should be pre-heating the parts before you weld so you will get the right penetration. you also might want to do a few more passes on each side, their is going to be a lot of stress on that weld.
Yep put a little over 2000 miles on the pick up on that trip. i lived in Hawthorne for a few years as a teen, but now i am a desert rat! if i can find a job up your way i am out of here, been looking on the southern end of the coast, got some prospects but nothing solid yet.
Hey, i was up in your town a few weeks ago! i went to the show they had in Brookings, wasn't to big of a turn out but a few nice cars. I loved it up there almost told the wife to take the train home! I think i saw that 1st car it looks familiar.
Looking good Cass! I like the shock brackets! you should have told me you were in the market for a rear end, got about 10 left junked out more than 30!
I got mine off my 50 in about 15 sec! since i was not going to use them again and they were kinda scruffy i just used a gasket scraper and a body hammer!
If you can get behind them use a pair of pliers and squeeze the clip together and they should slide off, then lay them down and tap them with a small hammer to tighten them up for the next go round.
Thats kinda funny as up till the last 6 months we never had an agent, direct with the co. in fact in cali i don't think they had any here. you are the first that i have heard of that says the rates were high.
I went from state farm junk to Nationwide 15+ years ago and not had one problem from them, paying claims no hassles, windows easy, not to many co will beat their price, i have tried!
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