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Everything posted by dezeldoc

  1. Anyone live near him that can go and pick it up for Robin? If I was closer it would be my pleasure to get it for him.
  2. I got one now, bid on and won an industral sewing machine with table,description says 150 shipping, I pay then get a note saying congrats you won now the bad news, shipping is going to be 277.00:eek: I check ups they say 181 so sent them a note, now to see what they want to do. I think they did not get enoigh for it and are trying to make some up, ain't gonna happin! they did say they would let me cancel and not leave me a negative, I guess they don't know the new rules. I am not going to be a hard ass but I am not going to be taken either.
  3. I have a 48 Saratoga and need some interior parts, anybody know where on the east coast to find some? I say east because out here in the west everything drys out and back there they have moisture! Thanks
  4. Give pp a call and talk to them and explane to them and have them put the notes in the file. I did that and gave them the threating e-mails he sent me, and they said don't worry he isin't going to win. 3 months later he did it again and boom he is banned! so far I have helped get 5 jerks off ebay.I have no problem letting ebay or pp know how I feel and helping to get rid of the scum.
  5. Yeh I let a stock dash go on ebay when someone was going to buy it,the thing went for 50 something bucks, I started to buy it and should have knowing the way the guy was talking,he was gonna flake. oh well I'll keep looking. I have a /6 that is why I would rather have a stock flathead but don't have one.
  6. Careful with that! I bought a portable ham for our race car from a guy on e-pay and got it and it was burnt so bad when I opened the box it stunk to high h-ll! He had already decided that I had this other radio that was burnt up and just bought his to get his for free, and that I was scamming him! Funny thing is another buyer e-mailed me and warned me about him and said he was a nut case! turns out he was right!! anyway had to file with PP to get him send the item after 3 weeks and no radio, then to get a burnt up one was the last straw, filled with PP again for not as described and off he goes on his rant about me scamming him from the begining, well he got his burnt up radio back and I got my money back shipping included!! (sorry kinda jumped to the end and back to the begining) I don't buy nothing unless it is by PP at least you have some kind of recourse.
  7. That would be mine! The stock one was hacked up pretty bad and could not find one and had the 41 sittin on the shelf and decided to give it a try and what do you know it fit like ma mopar put it there! The car did not sell so I am going in a different way with it. The 440 is comming out and slant 6 is going back in and the top is getting wacked 4", and it will become a tail dragger!(YaYa i know)
  8. Well I am not to sure about that, I can go to autozone and get just about anything for the mopar same as the chevy, both motors are easy to work on, either is pretty simple. I just like the mopar better.
  9. Why would you want to run a chevy? Run a 318/340/360 and keep it all Mopar. they are easy swaps.To answer your question a th350 or 700r4 will work with plenty of room.
  10. The dead give away it is a scam is the free shipping to wherever! Nobody in their right mind would pay shipping on a low end car.
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