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About halffast52

  • Birthday 09/08/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    locust gap pa
  • Interests
    old mopars
  • My Project Cars
    52 bus.coupe mild custom daily driver<br /><br /><br />
    48 Plymouth biz coupe 47 Plymouth sedan

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  • Biography
    love tinkering with my old plymouths
  • Occupation
    truck driver


  • Location
  • Interests
    drinking beer and looking at coal dirt

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  1. we had a local guy fill a amazon box with cat crap put it on the porch set up his cameras it didn't take long before somebody took it.
  2. I have a set of reds headers on my 52 biz coupe they fit good with no issues and I am running the stock fuel pump
  3. did the glass shop do that ? I think you will have fun trying to put it in door like that
  4. could it be possible your dodge engine had a m6 transmission that shares engine oil with the torque convertor ?just a thought
  5. I bought two airtex pumps from rock auto the one I put on my 52 works great with no issues the other I put on my 47 had diaphragm issues right out of the box I would try to find a rebuild kit for the ac... as others have said I would not put weld on the arm
  6. maybe they were homemade floor supports
  7. it does sound like the crank position sensor is going bad it controls the timing rpm ect. I think I would try that before I spend 1800+ on a new ecm a new cps is about $40 just make sure you use a mopar or Cummins one just went through basically the same thing with a jeep liberty it threw codes for ecm random misfire vac leak I got the cps at advanced auto it still ran like crap and threw same codes put the mopar brand cps in it runs great and no codes again this is just my two cents best of luck hope you get it figured out
  8. my name is Dan McCarthy and Jim your are more than welcome to stop by when you're in the area I am usually here on the weekends
  9. glad to see its now roadworthy nice job on the headliner wish my 48 was at that point
  10. The spring arrived yesterday.  I do not remember removing a spring like this off of my coupe.  How would you like me to get the money to you?   Thanks a lot.  Mike

    1. halffast52


      if it is what you need my PayPal address is dagapper@ptd.net if is not what you needed don't worry about it I forgot Clutchlinkage.jpgabout the L shaped bracket 6-35-3 in this diagram if you need that also let me know and I will send it out

    2. casper50


      Money sent.  All the brackets were there just no spring.  Thanks a lot. It takes a very strong leg without the spring.

    3. halffast52


      glad I could help  thanks again Dan

  11. I am running a gates TR24489 on my Plymouth 3/4 wide 49 3/8 inches long
  12. on my 52 I unhooked the battery wire from the regulator and spliced on a section of wire to the alternator may not be the correct way to do it but it has been this way over 5 years and works as it should as does the ammeter I used 48 pulleys on my engine so I am running the wide belt I used the wide pulley from my generator with no issues so far
  13. yes you can get a 6 volt positive ground alternator they are usually a gm type I bought a 6 volt positive ground 1 wire off a guy on eBay about 5 years ago I used the factory generator brackets with very little fab work I have had no issues with it so far I also bought a kit off the same guy so if I had any issues I could repair it I have to look before I go to work may have his contact info with the kit if I do I will pass it on to you I am sure many others here have also done this swap.. 1 800 962 5745 is the number I have can't hurt to give them a call and inquire about it best of luck ...Dan
  14. if it idles fine and backfires or pops under load I would bet the condenser is bad
  15. I have a .040 piston that looks just like that. previous owner rebuilt the engine I bought it for a spare did a compression check and test fired it on the floor had great oil pressure so I put it in my car ran great for about two weeks someone forgot a connecting rod nut and it came apart and jammed the piston in to the head
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