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Everything posted by P15-D24

  1. Should also add new brake lines, hard and soft.
  2. You need to pull the block. Before investing in a rebuild you need to get the block magufluxed for cracks, and to properly do the valve seat, cam bearings and cylinder walls. Other wise your throwing good money away. Reassembly is not complex, but lot of nits to get you in trouble like the correct way to install valve guides and the proper spacing on all the rings. Need a ring expander, torque wrenches, good set hand tools engine stand. Also learn about plasticgage, feeler gauges and good dial (or digital) indicator. Take your time, follow the manuals and ask questions when you get stuck and it will be an enjoyable experience.
  3. Because for the format change I have to redo all the tech articles so they work with the new software. Earliest publishing will be late next week. I will see if I can pull a pdf version from my backups and email you a copy. Please PM your email address.
  4. One of my other testers! And checking on adding pic to a post from an iPhone
  5. Test post from my iPhone with a pic of one of my software testers!
  6. Note to mobile users, specifically smart phones: Currently ads from google are not being rendered correctly on phones, pushing the navigation menu far to the right off screen. Should have a fix in a couple days.
  7. This is very true. I have seen similar attacks on my other website mercury-sail.com The good news is both Invision Power Services (IPS) and our hosting company (Pair.com) are very aggressive staying current on security patches and site monitoring for attacks. We also have a comprehensive backup strategy if we are attacked.
  8. Do Member Search tab, All for the filter
  9. The two of you together scare the c**p out of me
  10. Check the down triangle under your user name, upper right. Mod Center should be listed.
  11. So you found them under under Topics, not articles?
  12. Another FYI... I don't think any functions were dropped in this release, but their method of execution might be different. This release uses a lot of "hover" events, that is you hold your mouse on an item and something happens. If you can't find it just keep posting the questions and we will get it figured out. If another member already has the answer, please jump in! I'm still working my way through the hundreds of new configuration options in the admin center. Other good news is the indexing is almost finished, working on the last and largest task, indexing posts. (500K posts and 87% done!)
  13. Your Profile -> Managed Followed Content has nothing in it?
  14. Try clicking on the triangle under your user name in the upper right and select "Manage Followed Content".
  15. Wanted to wake you guys up!
  16. Site not found errors are due to an incorrect URL in your bookmark. Years ago the URL had the server path name ( i.e. pair server.somethng) but that has been fixed for quite some time. Always use p15-d24.com and you will arrive at the site. (Alternatives that also work are p15d24.com or pilot-house.com) The notifications box has a drop down in the corner where you can turn it off. It is a nice feature if you want to get notifications from the site without being on the site. On Mac they go to the notification center so you can decide if you want to go visit the site based on a new topic. I don't know what the Windows version of Notification Center is called but I'm sure they have a similar function. Roll over the topic title with your mouse to see the last reply posted without having to go to the thread. The number of "Answers" (aka replies) is displayed on the right. 25 answers per page. The old Classified section is gone. Use the Classified Ads section at the bottom of the regular forums. Where did you see a link to the Classified section? Take some time to explore some of the new features, might find some you really like. A lot of the feature are focused for the more "socially active" type member (Think Facebook, Twiltter, etc) with the intent to help bring the site into the bigger "social" aspect of the internet. Many of the "younger generation" are in tune with this social aspect of sharing info so it just helps get the word out. (FYI my 84 year old mother in law is on Facebook with he iPhone so it's not just the "younger generation" getting social. )
  17. Might take a look at menu Activity -> Unread Content -> Read Status and check "Unread item links take me to the first unread comment.'
  18. Just put a support ticket in on Explore Question section with IPS. Figured some would love it, others not. Also their may be a third party solution.
  19. Use the breadcrumbs. They are at the top and bottom of every page.
  20. To mark an individual thread read, mouse over the title and a preview window pops and you can mark the thread read. It only appears if it has new content.
  21. I suspect their is a view preference for the viewing order which you can set, I just don't know where yet. I think the Activity menu choice at the top may have the options you want, but I'm not that familiar with them yet. (It's a new release for me too!) I'm hoping the question column is again a view option but I will check it out. Good feedback.
  22. As Tod noted I was running our of time to keep on supported software. Security is a major issue for online sites and the vendors only want to support current versions. To IPS credit, they gave customers 2 years to migrate to the new version. (Drop dead for the old version is Dec 2016.) The new version has a lot of new functionality, which quite frankly you can ignore if you don't want to use it. The forums are the same, just click on "Unread Content" in the upper right and your will see the new posts for the day. Or just browse the forums like the old site. If you have a smartphone or table, it is now formatted for those devices automatically.
  23. In a forum if you hold your mouse over the thread title you have the option to view the last comment by clicking on "Latest Answer", It one is designated you will also see "Best Answer". The double >> in the thread header ( and bottom) next to the page numbers will take you to the last page
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