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Everything posted by Jims50chrysler

  1. Ok I did not take this apart..I had a friend with a carb bath take it apart and dunk it for me then when I had troubles getting the right kit for this carb I collected a coffee tin full of fluid drive carb anyway, I am not sure if a practical joke is being played on me or what but some of these parts don't look like they belong. anyone know where the parts in the first pic go? also when I recieved my kit I recieved a new dashpot? surely they don't expect a fella to undo the crimp on the plunger to install it....do they?? thanks Jim
  2. Here are the paint strippers that I am using Jim
  3. I asked the guy at the counter what the differnce was between the aircraft stripper and the other stuff on the shelf and he said you would use the aircraft stripper on aluminum? so I saved $20.00 on buying the other stuff..I am not dissapointed with the performance, I think no matter what stripper you use it is still a tedious task....unless they are Don's strippers. I will post the names later today of the products that I am using. Jim
  4. I tried a couple different kinds of stripper the one was thinner than the other the thick stuff did not go as far but would cling to a vertical surface the thin stuff you could hear tearing up the old paint from the other side of the garage. Speaking of environmentally friendly I found out that Brasso has been blacklisted and will be off the market by next year....home depot has already stopped stalking it as part of the we are greener than you campaign. Jim
  5. will this work http://www.zivney.net/library/carbsync.pdf I am guessing it gets hooked into the vac advance port? Jim
  6. Ok I have rebuilt 1 carb for my dual carb set-up and put it on my car still with the stock single carb intake and it runs fine. I adjusted the idle then the mixture screws untill the engine ran smooth. I am about to attack the second carb but before I do is there anything else I can do to make sure both these carbs will be similar when they have to work together on the dual carb set-up? suggestions? ideas? thanks Jim
  7. well....for me things would have been a heck of alot easier and cheaper to go GM with my chrysler, I know them inside and out, preformance parts are cheaper and more readly available and I have a bunch of that stuff lying around, I know what to do to make it go down the highway without the engine screaming. as long as we are talking about crossbreeding the parts don't have to be year specific or model specific I will make it fit thats easy whats hard is finding 50 chrysler preformance parts localy. yes I am still gonna run all Chrysler if you ask why all I can say is have you seen Pete's 50 Plymouth or Howard Tandoff's car?
  8. I have stripped cars before and don't remember it being so much work...put the stripper on wait for it to do its thing...scrape with a puddy knife then repeat..now run the dual action sander over it to remove anything that is left, man this is taking longer than expected but it has to be done I had some funkey things happening under the paint (rust) and I don't want to see it come out in the new paint. on the bright side I got time on my side and not much cash....kinda the perfect job even though it sucks Jim
  9. I think the hardener was right I am pretty anal about following the directions on paint products but I probably painted too far up the neck as you suggested. Jim
  10. Here you go Frankie. Jim
  11. Good work!!! sounds like you don't have to go looking for stuff to do. Jim
  12. I painted my '47 Harley white when I had it, I used ppg base clear and was very happy with the results about a week later there was a big ride planed so the night before I went I gassed the bike up and parked it in the garage. I was so excited to show the guys what a quality job that I did in an old barn....you can imagine my dissapointment when I got out there and all the paint on the left side gas tank was gone where the fuel had ran down it through the night and exposed the high build primer below. kinda looked like a holstien cow. I talked to the PPG guy at the louisville street rod nationals about a year later to see if I perhaps did something wrong when I mixed the paint and he said that it should never do that....I guess the paint just did not have time to cure. Jim
  13. Well Fred I don't shy away from the 401 through Toronto but it is always an experience driving through in an old car...the last time was in my '46 ford grown men driving like idiots just to get a look at the car and once beside you they start waving and staring at the car not paying attention to the highway, strange. I do look forward to picking up the grandkids in the old car and they are right downtown....another adventure. Jim
  14. It usually loosens me up Jim
  15. Ok it was only out of the garage and back in but when you have not drove them in a while it is a good feeling. while it was out I cleaned the shop out wall to wall floor to ceiling and found some of those little things that I have misplaced over the last year and a half...like the workbench and the contact wire for my horn that I thought I would never see again...now where the heck is my manual???
  16. I could have used that on Friday night when we were camping...I finaly got up just before daybreak and slept in the car for a couple hours, made me realize that I am not 18 anymore. Jim
  17. I replaced mine and had to carefully pry the crimps on the back of the switch open to take the switch apart...it was not too bad to do. Jim
  18. I agree with Norm. I didn't know you wrote a book Norm. Jim
  19. Car looks to be in good shape...good luck Jim
  20. Hi Fred: can you just slide those gaskets over the lid of the cowl vent or do you have to remove the unit first? are they held in with weather stripping glue? Jim
  21. I just put new glass in my Chrysler but I chose the green tinted stuff and it does not match but I am ok with that as it is barley noticeable. I would have to think that your price is in the ball park I paid $90.00 for the glass and installed it myself. a few nervous moments with the outside stainless trim but easy once we got it figured out. Jim
  22. well what do you think...I had my son powdercoat all the metal stuff and a local upolsterer recover the crash pad I also replaced the windshields as the originals were delaminating, It is amazing the difference new glass makes!!! Jim
  23. You get alot more work done in the shop in a day than me..my Dad was over today and asked me what I got done today in the shop, I had to tell him I was not doing anything too serious....just puttering, I could not explain my day It was like I went through a time warp I started out with tools in my hands and finished the day with tools in my hands and it was like I was never in the shop!!! Jim
  24. Hi Greg: Thanks...That stude must be comming along since the last time I seen it.
  25. Hi everyone Just curious Lots of cars came with fender welt but what was the actual function of fender welt...anyone skip replacing it after they have painted their car or eliminated it all together? Jim
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