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Everything posted by Jims50chrysler

  1. Does anyone know where I can get this piece of stainless for the passenger side? Jim
  2. Hey Splat1955 so overall do you think Lori at ESPO has it down to a science when it comes to measuring your springs to figure out how much to cut or did you have to use the trial and error method? Jim
  3. Thanks very much Tim JIm
  4. Here is what my steering wheel looks like (not a very good pic) but should be good enough to get an idea of what it looks like. I will try to get a better pic later Jim
  5. The car will be a driver.....sounds like a reconditioned wheel, as nice as they look, will be out of the question ($$$$$) I will keep shopping for a good used one. Thanks for your advice. Jim
  6. I am looking for someone to repair my steering wheel....there is absoulutly no plastic left on it but the horn ring is still good. does anyone know someone who redoes these, if I can't find someone to do that I will be looking for another one any leads would be a big help thanks Jim
  7. thank you. I checked the blue streak web page here is the link http://www.smpcorp.com/web_app/catalog/smp_bgbulk.aspx If someone needs it. Jim
  8. got in narrowed down to the cylinder or the Key.....where is the best place to get a replacement cylinder with a key? Jim
  9. Hi: I found this thread very usefull as I have an ignition switch that would occasionally start the car but for the most part the key would not even turn the switch. I have rescued the lock from the locksmith that I took it to after he was talking about drilling out the pin and following the directions here was able to get the cylinder out myself. The question is....is it the cylinder that is causing my grief or is the problem inside the housing? Thanks in advance Jim
  10. I have to agree, after reading through alot of the diffrent forums it was very clear that the information that I required and am going to require could be found on this one and by your willingness to accept models outside the specified Dodge and Plymouth proves that the people here are the kind of people that I want to converse with. This chrysler is kinda opening up my mind, I knew I was going to build another street rod (previously had a 46 Ford coupe) so when I had a chance to buy a doner low milage Caprice with a fuel injected 305 I bought it. I have decided that the original 6 in the Plymouth is going to stay. It runs real nice, it's in the car already and not everybodys streetrod is powered by a 57 year old engine. (the kids are having a ball tearing up the field in the Caprice.) thanks for the information everyone but I do have one more question.....why is it the guys with the small ones always say size doesn't matter?
  11. This could be a dumb question but my curiosity has gotten the best of me, Why is this site dedicated to 46-48 dodge and plymouth? seems like anything that was put out under the chrysler corp banner around these years would be very much the same. Jim
  12. Wow! Thanks guys that is exactly what I am looking for, I intend to use caution when cutting the coils as I do want it to be lowered but I do want to drive this car. I have the suspension on the front apart now and I am cleaning the undercoating off of all the parts, it is hell but I thank whoever did it (Chrysler?) as this car is in unbelievable condition. Thanks again Jim
  13. Hey: This is my first post I hope it is in the right forum. I have a 50 chrysler windsor with the 6 cylinder three speed standard. What I was wondering is if someone has a pic of one of these cars with the coils cut and how many coils did you cut. Also does anyone have the procedure for doing a front end alignment on one of these cars. pictures of this procedure would help as well as I am unsure any alignment shop around here would know anything about anything this old. thanks in advance Jim
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