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Everything posted by bigred48

  1. O NO!
  2. my 48 has a combine engine in it, with these motors it seems like it is cheaper to swap them out then rebuild them.
  3. This car is from my neck of the woods, The owner is a member of the local car club I belong, he is a very nice man, and he loves his plymouths, back in the fifties or sixties he drove a 41 coupe he told me that one time the engine completly drained of oil, but it kept running like nothing had gone wrong, added some oil and it was fine again, at least for a few miles.
  4. you have done an excellent job, I am very jealous of your work.
  5. thanks for the help. I removed all my other trim pieces today, but was worried about breaking those. I will have to give it a shot some time this week.
  6. bigred48


    How do you take of emblems on the front fenders, for a special deluxe 48 plymouth, I'm just not sure how exactly the fastners work and I don't want to break the emblem. Thanks for the help:) Andy
  7. we had the exact same problem, we had to replace the pieces of wood on the corner of the house, we found out that you put mylar strips on a string and hang them on the house the bird won't be coming back, but the house looks very ugly, the other solution is the bb gun, as long as your a good shot it works every time.
  8. Hey Ed I'll be down there on Saturday, do you know where you are going to park I might just have to drop on by.I've Never been able to go before and I'm very excited, the only problem is my plymouth is missing some pieces. Andy
  9. I'm pretty sure that it is a J but it could be a U, I was told that it is a industrial engine that came out of a combine. Is this a good thing?
  10. bigred48


    Just wondering if anyone could tell me where my motor came from, I heard a rumor today from some older guys in town, but I just wanted to know what the numbers have to say. j230*3580, is the number on the block above the generator. Thanks for your help.
  11. Ed, you could move up to alex and live in the boonies, that kind of stuff doesnt happen up here very often. that is a major bummer, do you think you can use a paint stripper on it and not bother the crome?
  12. It is definitely not p15 or motorcycle weather here in faro, this is the third round of winter we've had.
  13. Thanks for the blue pictures Brendan and ed, I think that that color is beautiful and am planning to bring the car back to original, Yes Ed I do recognize the local it is about 5 miles from my home. You posted a few pictures of an old gas station that was privately owned on a different thread, where is that i think that i recognize it.
  14. speaking of colors, does anyone have a marine blue p15? this is the original color of my car. and since I can never pass up an opportunity to post my car on the board I've added a picture as well.
  15. I have one cowl mirror on the left side of the car, it is terrible not because of the location but the mirror is convex the only thing it is good for is seeing if i forgot to put the gas cap back on. lucky for me traffic is few and far between out in the boonies where the car is.
  16. Ed are the bottoms of the doors rust free?
  17. check out blueskies website in his interior section he has a whole bunch about seatbelts and how he has done it. I will be installing seat belts two eventually, and i thought his approach was a good one. http://www.50plymouth.com/
  18. i would rather just put in the gears. what cars have the ones I'm looking for?
  19. what kind of modern rear end would fit a 48 sedan best? what should i be looking for?
  20. so how many cars do you have? I think that one more truck couldn't hurt. what is one compared to the large number that you have accumulated.
  21. I recently noticed that my rear end was leaking around the pinon and around the housing. I am going to need to pull it apart to fix these problems and while it is apart i was thinking that mabye I should swap the gears to a 3.73 or so, I dont have an overdrive and im looking for a more relaxed highway speed. Where can I get gears to put in this thing? or do i have to swap the whole rear end with something newer? What is an easier approach? Thanks any and all help (or just comments) is appreiciated, I love the forum and all that it does.
  22. Heres a link to the site http://www.charitycarauctions.com/ looks like the bidding is pretty low right now.
  23. Ed I saw something about a 50 b2b up for a charity auction in the star tribune today, is this what your talking about (id have no way of buying a truck but am always interested)
  24. one time in old navy I was caught trying to open the hood, the glares from the cashiers said it all and i felt that it was time to leave the store.
  25. I know that if my Plymouth was priced like a ford, it would be a long time before I would have been able to buy a old car. If it wasn't for the lower price of mopars i would not be able to have all the fun i'm having today. it is a great way to enter.
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