Yep I'm an engineering student at NDSU in Fargo. We have been sandbagging like crazy all week the canceled all classes for the week to get us out there.
check out some pictures of it at
or the rest of the info at
supposedly campus is safe from the flooding but just to be safe I left to get my car away from all that water.
We just left Fargo last night after deciding that it was not looking good. I hope the dikes hold or it seems like the whole town will be underwater. But I am afraid that Fargo may be in trouble. The most amazing part of all of this was the turn out of volunteers, and the effort of complete strangers to help people from town.
I have no idea but I was just trolling the Minneapolis craigslist and found you a new car! I hope you don't mind that its a 4 door.
Could you please keep that storm out in Wyoming with you? I'm afraid that if you don't me and the rest of the people in Fargo might be going swimming sometime soon
I have a faceplate that does not have any of the radio stuff attached it is in pretty good shape, but the knobs are a little loose they are the chrome knobs, if your interested we could trade? I will be home from school in about two weeks and could take some pictures for you to see if my faceplate is in good enough condition. let me know
I think I just got lucky when I bought the car it came with a good engine and transmission, and on top of that it looks like you are doing a top notch restoration, I just want to get mine looking a little better and drivable. ( i probably should have just left the paint on it though!). And I have not gotten in any accidents
the work is coming very slowly, I have the rust repairs done and am now on body work and paint. I'm right in the middle of the removal of the old paint. It would be nice if the car was closer but while I'm at school the work is very slow I only have a weekend every here and there to do anything on the car.
Well Thank you very much, you might be surprised to learn that the paint on this car is actually just the plain krylon red from k-mart. for some reason in this picture the light hit it just right and it looks great.
and Ed I'm really glad one of the Plymouth guys didn't steal it away from me I have made a lot of great friends and learned so much from this car that I don't ever want to get rid of it.
In my case the girl came before the car, her dad was actually the one that helped me find it and lets me store it in there shed so I'm a lucky guy indeed.
I pulled mine but i only took out the steering box and the inner part, I wonder if maybe you could pull the outside from the inside because it is a bit shorter, also if you unscrew the part that attaches it to the dash it will tilt down about 2 inches and you will be able to get some more space to pull the column on the interior. I don't know if this will work, but it's just a thought.
I'm pretty sure that I don't have the special head bolt on my car but I will look closer this weekend. I haven't had any problems the way that it is hooked up now, should I bother to move it? would I need to Re torque my head?
I was talking to the mechanic of the previous owner of my plymouth this summer, he told me that they had searched all over for a new motor for the car and finally they found a combine, the barn it was in had burned down but the motor was still good. so they took it out and its now powering my plymouth. Its a 230 and it runs like a dream.
This is the view from my favorite seat in the whole world.
how do I get my picture to appear in the thread instead of as a link? I've done them as a attachment before, but I just can't get it to work the other way?
hey Ed I found a parts car on this site, there is no picture but, if you look in the section called parts list you will find Plymouth with side damage for $475
the place is in Webster south Dakota.
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