True for the following too.
Turns out you can get car performance apps for smart phones. At least you can for Android based ones and I expect you can for iPhones, etc.
Turns out that the GPS in my Nexus One has a bit of trouble keeping locked when mounted on the suction mount on the windshield of my '33. I'm guessing RFI off of the unshielded ignition system. Not normally a problem for navigation as things average out. But it does mean getting consistent results from acceleration tests is iffy.
But having an app that you tell to start which then waits for you to start moving to start its timer and then tracks you and records time to distances and times to speeds is a lot easier to deal with than an handheld dedicated GPS unit.
Another issue for me: There aren't very many roads around here that are flat, straight, posted for at least 50 MPH that aren't very crowded. So finding a time and place for testing takes some effort.
And I've never really been into racing, so I'm probably not the best driver to do the testing.
Anyway, with all those caveats, here are the results I got a year ago from my stock '33 Plymouth with about 25,000 miles on the rebuild of its 190 engine.