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Everything posted by cwcars88

  1. I sent you an e-mail with all info on it haven't heard back ???
  2. Thanks for the offer, I will take you up on it, please send pictures and I will get back to you. cwcars@comcast.net
  3. If any body has an extra grill they are willing to part with let me know. I don't need the stainless just the sheet metal, small dents or surface rust OK cwcars@comcast.net
  4. that is temping, good thing I quit smoking and don't have any matches.
  5. Back in the sixties I had lost a gas cap to my Pontiac Wagon, replaced the cap with the wrong one and the fuel pump sucked the top and bottom of the tank till they were almost touching. Removed the tank and took it to a radiator shop. He had fittings that fit into radiator in and out lets that would also fit the gas tank. He put air pressure in the tank, tapped on the tank with a hammer, put in more pressure and tapped some more, in tell the tank popped back in to shape. I don't know how much pressure he was using , as I stepped back out of his way. Wayne
  6. Led's for 46-48 Plymouth, Technostatgia has 12 volt tail lights for our cars, I do not want to change to 12 volt just to get brighter lights. If any of our members are interested in 6 volt LEDs, PLEASE e-mail Todd and let him know. I have been trying for one year to talk him into the 6 volt. Read some of my e-mails to him. Todd Sondles todd@cool-leds.com Hi Wayne, No we have not. There does not seem to be much interest. Todd Technostalgia 2260 Long Dairy Road Graham NC 27253 www.cool-leds.com 866-258-5670 On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 4:39 PM, cw.carscadden <cwcars@comcast.net> wrote: Hi Todd Have you given any more thought on the 46-48 plymouth ,6 volt tail lights? Wayne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Todd Sondles" <todd@cool-leds.com> To: cwcars@comcast.net Sent: Saturday, October 2, 2010 7:31:39 AM Subject: Re: 6- volt lights Hi Wayne - We do not have any plans as of now, but we may need to re-visit 6 volt soon. Todd Technostalgia 2260 Long Dairy Road Graham NC 27253 www.cool-leds.com 866-258-5670 Fax: 877-682-4909 On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 5:03 AM, Wayne Carscadden <cwcars@comcast.net> wrote: I have your 12 volt rapid fire tail lights on one of my cars and they are great. One of my cars is still 6-volt and I see you have the rapfire 12-volt leds for the 46-48 Plymouth. Being you already have the housing for the Plymouth are you planning on coming up with a 6-volt led. I am on the www.P-15/D-24.com daily I would think these guys would jump at the chance to buy 6-volt units. Wayne Carscadden cwcars@comcast.net
  7. Keven That is a good park for a car show, I think my tired 46 Plymouth would make it there from Longview. The only time it has failed me is when I didn't believe what the gas gauge was telling me. Wayne
  8. Can't make it this year, send back some pictures and show us what we missed. Wayne
  9. Harvey Please post drive line info, I am in the same boat with yourpc48. If I come up with a rear end I will do the drive line at the same time. Wayne
  10. Hi Wayne - We do not have any plans as of now, but we may need to re-visit 6 volt soon. Todd Technostalgia 2260 Long Dairy Road Graham NC 27253 www.cool-leds.com 866-258-5670 Fax: 877-682-4909 This is the reply I got back from Technostalgia. They make great 12 volt tail/turn for the 46/48 plymouth, I would'nt think it would take much to also offer 6 volt. Wayne
  11. Don Thanks for keeping us on track, I would never have thiught of all of those.
  12. Don those look like the irons my Dad left me along with the blow torches to heat the irons. I have used the electric irons but have never have fired up the torches.
  13. Keven I have HART RADIATOR do all my my rad and gas tank repair, they do good work and stand behind it. Hart Radiator 503 Grade Street Kelso,Wa 360-425-6220 (cel) 360-430-3615 They are by the Kelso Mall Ask for Doug Hart, tell him Wayne Carscadden send you he will treat you right.
  14. Hi neighbor (Longview) I took mine to a radiator shop had in hot tanked and they soldered a few spots, sealed it. I don't remember the cost maybe $100, Wayne
  15. Eastwood has ( carb-renew ) silver or gold, stand up quit well.
  16. Thanks, now that I know what I'am looking for, back to the hunt. Wayne
  17. Do they make center dump exhaust manifolds for the 440, if so what are they on. Thanks Wayne
  18. Todd Try these www.superbrightleds.com www.coolleds.com www.Bright dash lights-www.P-15-D23.com www.classicautobulbs.com www.lambertenterprises.com Long time sence I have heard from you, how are you doing on your project? Wayne ( Longview )
  19. Good looking ride, lowered just right.
  20. YOU THINK YOU’RE TIRED?? From Palomar Model A Club, June 2011 My poor old chassis is 82 years old. For every 5,000 miles you drive me, my wheels have to turn 3,363,055 more times, my engine goes around another 12,712,345 times. I have to make 25,424,690 more sparks and my pistons get to go 1700 more miles. I AM GETTING TIRED!!! Next time you’re cruising down the road at 30 mph take a second and remember that each time your heart beats, my wheels have turned 6 ! times, my engine has made 23 ! revolutions, my pistons have gone 66 feet and I sparked 47 times. I don’t mean to complain, and I enjoy seeing someplace besides the inside of the garage, but please humor an old car and give me a bit of tender loving care. Your Model A Ford.
  21. The crown on the road is the reason when rotating tires I also put the best tires on the front, don't want to lose steering if I have a flat and the best tire on each axle on the right side, its get more tire wear.
  22. just a thought, I would think the heavier spring would go on the front to force the window to the rear where it has support all the way up, the front only has support in the door.
  23. Thanks for the info, they are just up the road from me.
  24. www.Brizbumpers.com, can custom make to your templet.
  25. kbuhagiar, I am in the same boat as you. I also bought my project car from a local rodder that has been into mopars all his life, and is a welder by trade. He has built some great street rods, cars and pick-ups. He knows what he is doing, so I don't think I will have any problems. But I fell the same as you. I would rather up date the stock suspension and leave the frame alone. My daily driver is a stock P-15, lowered, if I hit a chuck hole or a seam coming onto a bridge it will bottom out, but other then that it drives and turns with little effort for fat tires and manual steering. Wayne
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