From Palomar Model A Club, June 2011
My poor old chassis is 82 years old. For every 5,000 miles you drive me,
my wheels have to turn 3,363,055 more times, my engine goes around another
12,712,345 times. I have to make 25,424,690 more sparks and my pistons get
to go 1700 more miles. I AM GETTING TIRED!!!
Next time you’re cruising down the road at 30
mph take a second and remember that each time
your heart beats, my wheels have turned 6 !
times, my engine has made 23 ! revolutions, my
pistons have gone 66 feet and I sparked 47 times. I
don’t mean to complain, and I enjoy seeing
someplace besides the inside of the garage, but
please humor an old car and give me a bit of tender
loving care.
Your Model A Ford.