Koyo 6207N is a direct replacement. I left my book in the shop and there is no way I'm going back out there tonight. It's been a long long day, it's back together except for the rear seal. I cleaned and inspected everything. Used the best parts from both transmissions. The spare trans was rebuild with koyo bearings. The synchros looked like a slightly different bronze. And, while they engaged the cone sooner, they just didn't bite well enough, so I just used mine. The counter shafts were different lengths, with different thrust washers. They all had bits of steel inbedded in the bronze. I used an olfa blade to dig them out, then I turned them around. I resealed the speedo drive and shift levers. Reused the gaskets with the right stuff. I stand to have a better product with less oil spots when I'm done...bonus.