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Jim Yergin

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Everything posted by Jim Yergin

  1. Great. Thank you. Jim Yergin
  2. Thanks to everyone for the replies, information and suggestions. I am going to take olddodge41 up on his generous offer. Jim Yergin
  3. This is from my 1941 Plymouth shop manual. It shows the route of the exhaust. Hope it helps. Jim Yergin Exhaust.pdf
  4. While replacing the leaking seals in the rear axle on my '41 Plymouth, I damaged one of the rear axle castle nuts. Does anyone have an extra one they can spare? Thanks. Jim Yergin
  5. Just a thought, is it possible that your compression tester is defective? Would it be worthwhile to check compression with a different tester? Jim Yergin
  6. Chris, What does it mean when I look at the picture of the causeway and the first thing that comes to my mind is, "where could I pull over when my car breaks down?" I will be glad when that is the last thing I think of. Thanks for the updates and the pictures. Jim Yergin
  7. My wife cooperated so here are some close-up pictures of the mirrors on my car. Jim Yergin [ IMG]http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b397/yergin/Swanneckmirrors002.jpg[/img]
  8. I will try and get some close-up pictures (if my wife will let me use her camera). Thanks for the compliment. Jim Yergin
  9. Those dimensions match the dimensions of the swan neck mirrors I have on my '41 Plymouth. One is an original I found at Hershey and the other is a Jay Fisher reproduction. They fasten from behind with two screws passing through the cowl from inside the car. Jim Yergin
  10. Greg, Very nice pictures. Thanks for sharing. Jim Yergin
  11. Chris, Aren't you planning on driving your T on a tour through the Rockies later this year? Jim Yergin
  12. I had problems with my brakes locking up. Turned out that the piston rod in the M/C was not traveling far enough to clear the relief port. Would happen more often as the brakes heated up and would release after pumping. You might want to check your M/C piston rod adjustment. Jim Yergin
  13. Joe, I believe I have one laying around. Have no idea if it works, but if I have it, it is yours. Let me check my garage tonight. Jim Yergin
  14. Tom, I resemble that comment! Jim Yergin
  15. Now that's a switch, a non-technical thread going off into a technical area. Usually the other way around. Jim Yergin
  16. Joe, If you are like many of us, that will probably never happen. I know it hasn't for me after 22+ years. I think it is more correct to say, "when I am done with my project." Jim Yergin
  17. Joe, Thanks for posting those pictures. It makes your accomplishments all the more impressive. Jim Yergin
  18. Looks great Joe. Can you post pictures of what it looked like when you started? Jim Yergin
  19. This worked for me. Jim Yergin
  20. Knowing Rodney, I would expect him to have a good relationship with everyone he deals with. Jim Yergin
  21. Thanks for the tip. Much appreciated. Jim Yergin
  22. Joe, Great to hear things are moving forward. Certainly was nice weather to be working on the car. Jim Yergin
  23. Looks good. Jim Yergin
  24. Greg, The funny thing is that Sam's new girl friend thinks the woodie is a "cool car." Jim Yergin
  25. My seventeen year old son has a 1970 Datsun 240Z. He has decided to upgrade the drivetrain with a performance prepared 280Z motor, a 5 speed transmission and a diffirent rear-end ratio. Today we spent the day removing the old differential, transmission and engine. The weather was beautiful here in Virginia, we didn't break anything and I had a great time working with him. Brought back terrific memories of doing the same thing with my dad years ago. Life can be good. Jim Yergin
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