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Jim Yergin

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Everything posted by Jim Yergin

  1. Looks great. Very nice. Jim Yergin
  2. Pre-Mopar 1927 Dodge Woodie
  3. The car show at Sully Plantation was held today. It is the largest car show in Northern Virginia. Saw Joe Flanagan and his wife. Sorry that Rodney and Chet did not make it. No P15's or D24's. Here are pictures of the Mopar entries including my car. Jim Yergin
  4. Thanks Suntennis. I am not getting any movement in the solenoid from the power line from the relay but I do get movement when I connect the solenoid terminal directly to the negative post on the battery using a battery jumper cable. I drove the car today - no OD using the relay. I am going to wire the solenoid directly to power with a switch in the car and without the relay and see what happens. Jim Yergin
  5. Yes, yes and yes but thanks for the suggestions. Jim Yergin
  6. Here is where I am now. I replaced the solenoid with a new one. It actuated correctly but would still not go all the way down to lock-in the OD. Took the transmission a part and made sure eveything was lined up correctly. Re-installed the transmission but then had the problem of the clutch gear assembly locking up in second. I fixed that but still no OD. Checked the controls. The relay is operating when grounded but the solenoid does not activate. Checked the voltage. 6.5 volts at the relay power input but 5.5 volts at the power out terminal and at the solenoid terminal. Ran a new heavier gauge line (8 gauge) to the solenoid but still only 5.5 volts. Used a battery jumper cable directly from the negative battery post to the solenoid and it activated. Apparently I am losing voltage in the relay resulting in not enough voltage reaching the solenoid to activate it. Does this mean bad contacts inside the relay that can be cleaned or should I just replace the relay? When I have time I think I will run a bypass wire from the power in terminal on the relay directly to the solenoid with a switch inside the car that can be turned on while driving. Then I can see what happens. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Jim Yergin
  7. Thank goodness for good doctors and wives. Jim Yergin
  8. What great memories you and your son will have. Congratulations. Jim Yergin
  9. Looks great. Congratulations! Jim Yergin
  10. I am no longer stuck in second gear. Got the car down off the jack stands and took it for a drive today. Transmission shifted fine (but still no overdrive). Looks like I will make it to the big car show at Sully this Sunday. Jim Yergin
  11. There is a flea market. I have never found anything I needed but friends have. I plan on being there for the whole show, 10 AM to 3:30 PM. I will be in the Woodie area (to the left of the Manor House as you face it from Rt. 28). Hope you can come. Jim Yergin
  12. Joe, Will you have time to get to Sully on Sunday? I plan to be there with my car and I believe Rodney will have his Studebaker there. Jim Yergin
  13. "Been there done that" with the lock bolt for one of the shifter forks. Jim Yergin
  14. Robin, Yes, I have a Shift-Rite knob I am using with a relay but it is only momentary. Jim Yergin
  15. Is your supplier interested in making more? Jim Yergin
  16. I bought some clock cleaning solution I found for sale on the internet. I soaked the works in it and got my clock to run. Jim Yergin
  17. James, Thanks for the offer. The NOS clutch gear assembly I installed included new plates and spring clips. I hope to test drive it this week and see what happens. Jim Yergin
  18. I think my problem was caused by trying to re-use the C clip that retains the clutch gear assembly too many times. The clip failed to hold the assembly in place and the synchro got destroyed and the clutch gear assembly was also damaged. I have replaced the synchro as well as the clutch gear assembly and collar ($60 NOS from Collector Auto Supply). I also installed a new C clip. Everything went back together OK and I have the transmission back in the car. I want to troubleshoot the electrical controls before I take the car off the jack stands and test drive it. But in the garage the transmission shifts fine. Jim Yergin
  19. Joe, Did you find the top to the fuse holder for your OD relay at the yard? Did you get the article I emailed? Jim Yergin
  20. If you check Blueskies' web site, he set up his with just a momentary interrupt switch and just let off the gas to disengage the OD. He could not interrupt his electronic ignition. So you can accomplish it with just one of the two interruptions. Jim Yergin
  21. Joe, The kick-down switch breaks the ground circuit to the relay, not the power line to the solenoid. By cutting the relay ground, it cuts off the power to the solenoid. The solenoid however will not retract unless either the ignition is interrupted or you let up the gas. A normally closed momentary switch should do the trick. Jim Yergin
  22. Really looking good Joe. You sure have come a long, long way. Jim Yergin
  23. Thanks Bob. I wonder if it would fit a standard transmission? Do you have a part number? Jim Yergin
  24. Does the book provide a part number? My book only shows up to a 19. Thanks. Jim Yergin
  25. Joe, I am the one who suggested you count the teeth so blame it on me. I have a 19 tooth gear on my car with a 4.3 rear end. Still reads too fast but I do not think a 20 tooth gear is available. Jim Yergin
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