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Everything posted by Stumpy(NH)

  1. I really don't think I can. I use the truck for my business as well as for fun. I cruised the internet for NH statutes, but am not having much luck. I'll stop by the DMV and find out for sure.
  2. Well, that's it. There is salt on the roads now so the Dodge is put up for the winter. Time to haul the speedo out and try to repair the diaphram for the two soeed. Maybe get a few others things done if I get a warm winter day.
  3. Only 4 months away.....hmmmm...if I leave New Hampshire now I may make it with my B1FA by April 6th.....
  4. I doubt it's factory, anyone have the scoop? Would be a neat truck to have. http://nh.craigslist.org/bar/3257172527.html
  5. I'd probably not toss any logs on that sweetheart of a bed! LOL! Yup, I use my "Big 1 Fricken Awesome" as a real truck. Today I took the back roads home, mostly dirt. Was a great ride shifting and splitting gears, window down, gear whine...loud. Life is good. Love my truck!!!
  6. Hey Fellas, I haven't been on much, but I have surely been using my B1FA! Figured I would check in and see if all is well. Here's a pic of the load of logs I brought home today.
  7. "safer" would have been to hook it from the front bumper with a sling and put the rears up on a set of dolly wheels. Good help? ya right. Sometimes old school still applies.
  8. Would love to get the mirror bracket and mount off of the green wrecker for my B1FA.
  9. Southern. Milford. Up Rt 3 off of 101.
  10. Well....you asked for it!! Here are some of my other toys. The first picture is from last July. I am on my Farmall M, My daughter is on her Farmall A "Bubblegum" and my wife is walking along with us. The second is just after painting my '48 M The third is plowing snow with my '46 Ford 2N The fourth is my '51 8N years ago with Samantha alot younger...and less gray in my beard! Lol! The fifth is my '59 Fordson Dexta diesel. The sixth is my '44 Farmall H And the last is my 961 Ford Powermaster and freshly decked John Deere Hay wagon. Not pictured are 1942 Ford 2N on steel, 1957 Oliver Super 55, 1941 Ford 9N, 1971 Ford 3400 No wonder I ended up with a vintage truck.......I'm out of my gourd!
  11. Wow! Looks great in Red! My B1FA with dump body weighs in at 7500 lbs. I like the platform dump. May change mine down the road. Thanks for the pictures!
  12. Nice! Get it finished up.....if you like doing that, try going for an ice cream after dinner! LOL!
  13. I'll check on the Booster. It is currently not hooked up due to a leak in the diaphram. I am sure the system has been bled, but will bleed it again as a check. The throw on the master cylinder is a good question. Not really sure there. The minor adjustments on my truck are both at the 6 oclock position on my truck. looking in the archives now.
  14. Not much...He was a good operator and only dipped the corner of the bucket into the pile. Didn't mean I wasn't nervous!
  15. Yup....had to get a couple of yards for a small home project. Funny getting loaded with a 988 Cat!!!!! Should have gotten that picture! LOL!
  16. I thought that I had posted on this thread too. Guess I didn't. Here is my most favorite pic of my '48 B1FA. Love this truck.
  17. I don't know if there are replacements available. I don't know about the spray welding either. Was just a question. I did have a piston for a one lunger spray welded to build it up and match an overbored cylinder....I realize that is not a brake system and the heat issue is most likey lower where it is watercooled...just a thought. Any idea for a parts source?
  18. Oh boy, can you expand on the major and minor? See, I learn something everyday. I did adjust the concentrics at the bottom...is there another adjustment?
  19. Has anyone got a solution to reapir or replacment of oversize drums on a B1FA? I haven't taken it apart, but have adjusted the brakes out to max and still need a double pump on the pedal to get a solid feel. I have no idea....spary weld and turn back to spec? I can see in the drum through the inspection window that there is alot of brake lining in there. Thanks for the help
  20. Looks like my Dodge is going to get a little more exercise before winter. We have had a very early snow storm here in New Hampshire. School has been off for a couple of days...Halloween has been postponed. Wow! Lots of power outages due to leaves still being on the trees. As a result of that..firewood is abundant. Load it up!
  21. Well, I see the split rims I need. I would love to find a couple of front brake drums. That is the kind of junkyard you just don't see anymore. Beautiful!(sorry guys, only way to describe it)
  22. Took me a year, but I finally found the placard for the glove box door that has the two speed shifting directions on it. I need to drill out the rivets to remove it from its current door. I am going to use small brass machine screws to attach it for now. Real happy to have found this piece.
  23. Had a 1000 gal oil tank in the bed today. Gonna load up scrap engines and trannies. Just got a lead on an old rusty lathe.... Love my Dodge!
  24. Yup, inflation of a split rim/tire is the most dangerous time. Use a cage, long hose, and make sure all the parts are in good serviceable condition. I have chained them when I didn't have a cage.....again distance and care are your best tools!
  25. Hey guys, I haven't checked in here in awhile. I did enjoy this thread. I ahh, have a confession. I use my B1FA as a truck......alot! I absolutley love this truck. As another poster noted, it makes mundane chores fun! I have freighted this old girl with scrap metal, loam, horse manure, lumber, etc etc. Plans for next spring are to get a good hitch on the back so I can load my Daughter's tractor on the back and mine on the trailer to go to shows. I love this truck, use it and take care of it.
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