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Everything posted by pflaming

  1. Thanks Dave. No V8 for me. But I still plan to put in a T5.
  2. It is a 276 poly with a three speed transmission, it came out of a 1956 Plymouth.
  3. I am considering installing a V8 in my truck and just bought this engine. It is a complete engine. What am I in for? I’m starting the process to get a cochlear implant. I still have not recovered from the lyme infection. I still have lots of fatigue, very week legs, brain fog, which is poor recall and poor concentration. Yet I’m in my shop about three hours a day.
  4. Check the four bolts on top of the horn, the ones that connect to the bowl. JMHO
  5. I saw this this morning in Moro Bay Area, under carriage is from a corvette.
  6. this may not be new to many, but is to me. I like it.
  7. I’m still doing final body work. I had a major oil can problem on my hood and spent a lot of time there today. I learned that it seems to be impossible to shrink out a dent which has bondo in it. Also that the canned effect may be reduced by a problem away and likely on the shoulder of the hood. Hoping to apply primer by end of the week. i still can only work for about three hours but I can still work.
  8. Yes, I did. Tedious work.
  9. I’ve been working with bondo for the first time. YouTube videos do not always tell important details. I’ve seen videos where the body worker had nice soft mixed bond and could use it for quite some time. I thought it was due to the amount of hardener he used, and that is part of the story, but then in one video the speaker casually remarked that the room temperature for his video was near 55 degrees and he stated as the temp rises the working time diminishes. Now while that makes sense bondo directions do not mention such. Live and learn.
  10. Grill in primer stage. Will shoot that area Today.
  11. today I have an appointment with a welder. I have all areas required for good finish welding spot welded. Will have him do the quarter panels and the grille. It took a while to get the grille bolted and spot welded, but it is ready.
  12. My next door neighbor has a business developing electronic ads. He is going to show me a simple way to make videos to post on You Tube, etc. With the boys doing the work, we will make a video from the time it is put in the shop until completion. It is a true barn find. We will leave it at six volt, and change as little as possilbe: to wit: Front disc brakes, lower it 2” front and back, little else.
  13. It has been two years since my last post and a lot has happened. Summer two years ago I was bit by a tick while in Maine and now have the Lyme infection, I found it very early and took all the meds required so not sure if my fatigue and week legs are results. Then last October I broke a leg and that set me back three months, then a light case of covid following those two. So things have been very slow, Im about 30% of what I was three years ago. I’m finally back in the shop, can sometimes put in six ours, but mostly 3 or 4. Been working on the suburban, this week i think i will paint it. Tomorrow will primer then more prep. Regarding the coupe, i still have it. My grandson and his friend want to get it fixed up for Zach’s school car. I told them I would guide them but will not turn one bolt, they were fine with that. Some photos
  14. Desoto, that is bad and that ain’t good. K
  15. The dash is rewired, and installed, The glitz items are held on by two way Gorilla tape. I really holds, and not hard.to do.
  16. You guessed wrong, this Mustard is the brother of Pat and Mike!!!!!!
  17. Gorilla Glue makes a two sided take for emblems. I used that and it is more than sufficient. I put it on the piece to install, then removed the protective take for final placement. The photo is the current status of my 53 Plymouth dash. Once all the switches and the gauge console are on it will pass mustard.
  18. When I removed such as the Plymouth / dash trim / etc there were very small clips that held them on. Is there a source for these? On a side note, I think I am recovering but it is very slow. Major fatigue and concentration problems. Not complaining, just reporting.
  19. And there was this one.
  20. Some may not know it, but out BBQ host is a Gonzaga fan. The just beat UCLA. Go Zags!
  21. For health reasons I won’t make the Q this year. That I will miss Desotodave makes the miss even sadder for me. I’m getting better but first Lyme infection, then a broken legs in October followed by a bout weigh covid has taken its toll. I’m in the shop daily but only for about three sometimes four hours. Biggest challenge now is walking and fatigue. I painted the dash on my suburban yesterday, only have to connect some dssh wires and it is legal.
  22. This year will be my fourth miss. I’m up and around but just barely, get in a couple hours in the shop each cah. Because walking is so limited, i wont make the drive. To me its like missing a family reunion. I’m hoping to get my suburban legal and on the road this week. I repainted the dash yesterday.
  23. I remember a Dodge truck when I was a teenager. To get it started you had to stomp that post and I hated that, so I immediately changed. I also put in a car starter which was easier to install and remove and it required a push button start. All in all, the push button was just a nice convenience which I enjoyed.
  24. My tail gate pre fire.
  25. Mine post fire. Thus the recycle sign.
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